XMM-Newton SAS Home Page
XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

cifbuild (cifbuild-4.9) [xmmsas_20190531_1155-18.0.0]

File Naming Convention

The constituents of the current calibration file are named as follows:



indicates the scope of the calibration file (at most 5 characters long). The list of scope identifiers is given in table 1.

is the calibration data type identifier (at most 17 characters long).

is the file issue number (integer $\ge 0$ and $\le 9999$, zero padded).

File names are not case sensitive. In this document they are type set with uppper and lower case letters for readability.

Table 1: Allowed scope identifiers
xmm general files or files shared by more than one instrument
om Optical Monitor files
xrt1, xrt2, xrt3 X-ray Telescope files
emos1, emos2 European Photon Imaging Camera MOS files
epn European Photon Imaging Camera PN files
rgs1, rgs2 Reflection Grating Spectrometer files
erm EPIC Radiation Monitor files

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2019-06-02