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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

conv_reg (esas-0.10.5) [xmmsas_20190531_1155-18.0.0]

Input Files

All modes require an input image which is used to extract the position angle of the observation, e.g., for ESAS processing and MOS1 the file mos1S001-obj-image-sky.fits can be used.

Mode=1 - a modified FITS region file is used to input the region information. The region file should have the following columns: SHAPE(16A), RA(1E), DEC(1E), RADIUS(2E), ROTANG(1E), COMPONENT (iJ, typically=1). For SHAPE=CIRCLE values, the RADIUS the radius, but for SHAPE=ELLIPSE, the RADIUS is the semimajor and semiminor axes in the 2 elements. Editing of the file can be done with the FITS file viewer fv. The values for the R column should be in arc minutes while the values for the ROTANG column should be in decimal degrees. Deriving these parameters can be done through ds9 and creating the desired regions and then looking at the region information. Currently only circular and elliptical regions are supported.

Mode=2 - an ASCII file with the same data and input units as for the input file of mode=1. The input are in free format with the order of [shape ra dec radius] for circular regions and [shape ra dec semimajor semiminor rotang] for elliptical regions.

XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2019-06-02