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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

espfilt (espfilt-2.7.1) [xmmsas_20190531_1155-18.0.0]


The task espfilt applies one of (currently) two user-chosen methods for filtering an XMM-Newton Event List (MOS or PN) of cosmic soft proton events. The methods both utilize corner (unexposed, outside of FOV) sections of the CCDs. Both methods extract a lightcurve from each of the FOV and corners. The first method fits a roughly Gaussian peak at the nominal count rate, creates a GTI for those time intervals with count rates within the thresholds. The second method takes the ratio of counts per pixel (in the 8-12keV range) of an annulus near the FOV (and away from any bright central source) to that of the unexposed corners. The user sets a threshold ratio (default: 1.2) and creates a GTI for those time intervals when the FOV is below the threshold.

In both methods, a new filtered event list, lightcurves of the FOV and corners, GTI FITS files, filtered images and a QDP plot of the lightcurves are created.


XMM-Newton SOC/SSC -- 2019-06-02