ChangeLog for esplinemap ======================== Version 5.1.1 - 2018-02-16 (JVP & EO) ------------- + src/include/cdbio_f90.cmn: Amended GPL disclaimer. Version 5.1 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ----------------------------- + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 5.0.2 - 2017-07-04 (IT) -------------- + typo in esp_smooth_mod.f90, accidentally introduced with 5.0.1 Version 5.0.1 - 2017-02-22 (IT) -------------- + Multiply the OOT image with the mask before subtracting it from the image. + esp_smooth_mod.f90: Throw a warning, if the total count numbers of the cheesed input image and of the cheesed background map differ by more then ten per cent. + Updated documentation of cheesed image (output). Version 5.0 - 2016-10-07 (IT) -------------- + parameter nsplinenodes: maximum increased to 40 (for use with large images) + new fitmethod smooth (main part of the code: GL for eRosita). Introduced parameters snrmin and smoothsigma, module esp_smooth_mod. Modified exdb.f, restor.f, dbpari.f90, include/cdbio.cmn, include/cdbio_f90.cmn. Introduced wrinfo.f90. + ootmap_mod.f90: nullify CAL pointers for compliance with gfortran 6.2 + moved many unused variables into comments (still some left ...) + cf. SCR 7399: source detection on stacked observations Version 4.5 - 2014-07-24 (IT) -------------- + cp_head_mod.f90: copy full dataset and array headers of the input image to the background maps (instead of a list of selected keywords). In particular: make physical coordinates available. + documentation: Updated parameter descriptions. Version 4.4.3 - 2012-07-31 (IT) -------------- + ootmap_mod.f90, subroutine ootcreate: scale flux from raw pixels to image pixels, introducing the appropriate conversion factor Version 4.4.2 - 2011-02-16 RDS ------------------------------- +src/bkgimg.f Removed debug Version 4.4.1 - 2011-02-14 RDS ------------------------------- +src/bdfi4r.f90 Change to support a mask array contained in the MASK extension (SCR-314) Version 4.4 - 2005-09-14 GL ------------------------------- Remove test output files 'binned0.dat', 'binned.dat' Version 4.3 - 2005-08-22 GL ------------------------------- Remove dss from 'USEDLIBS' line in Makefile (Close SSC-SPR-3422) Version 4.2.1 - 2005-08-03 GL ------------------------------- Reduce dynamic range of fitted data by transformation f'(x,y)=(f(x,y))**0.1 Set weight of the excluded bins to 0.1, not to 0.0. Close SSC-SPR-3498 Version 4.2 - 2004-10-07 (EO) ----------- + Copy of 4.0.5 that will enter into release track builds. Version 4.1 - 2004-10-07 (EO) ----------- + Copy of 4.0.4 that will go into public release SAS 6.1.0 Version 4.0.5 - 2004-05-27 GL ------------------------------- Remove extrapolation of background map outside the detector mask. (Due to need to add MOS1*2 maps for 2XMM) Version 4.0.4 - 2004-05-14 VH ------------------------------- - a new module cgenl.f90 implemnted for replacing common blocks cgenl_f90.cmn and clslst_f90.cmn. Version 4.0.3 - 2004-03-02 GL ------------------------------- - Catch missing exposure extensions in OOT events file. - Close SSC-SPR-3253 Version 4.0.2 - 2004-02-26 GL ------------------------------- Updated task description. Version 4.0.1 - 2003-12-19 GL ------------------------------- Changed convergence criterion STOPCR from 1E-10 to 1E-7. Apply sigma clipping only to positive excesses. Version 4.0 - 2002-12-08 GL ------------------------------- Write error message if exposure map is not given with fitmethod=model Change major version in order to reflect the changes already made in v3.7 Version 3.7 - 2002-12-03 VVH,GL ------------------------------- Implemented alternative background estimation by fitting scaled exposure map and constant component to cheesed image. New parameters: withexpimage2, expimageset2, fitmethod Version 3.6 - 2002-11-27 GL ----------------------------- Use weighting of bins for spline fits according to number of valid pixels in bin. Improved replacement of empty (eg cheesed) bins by interpolation. Version 3.5 - 2002-06-29 GL ----------------------------- Changed default values of parameters pimin,pimax Closed SPRs: SSC-SPR-3075 (Parameters pimin & pimax not described) SSC-SPR-3012 (task description) Version 3.4 - 2002-11-01 GL ----------------------------- Adapted to column name change in eboxdetect 4.11 Version 3.3 - 2002-05-24 GL ----------------------------- Changed .par file to XML Version 3.2.3 (2002-05-24) GL ----------------------------- Prevent crashes due to access of RAWCOLS with chipix=0 Close SPR: SSC-SPR-2841: Problems with new oot features Version 3.2.2 (2002-04-16) GL ----------------------------- Close SPR: SSC-SPR-2841: Problems with new oot features Version 3.2.1 (2002-04-16) GL ----------------------------- Close SPR: SSC-SPR-2832: Does not build statically Version 3.2 (2002-04-16) GL ----------------------------- Fixed bug in CAL calls. Version 3.1 (2002-04-16) GL ----------------------------- Updated ChangeLog. Version 3.0 (2002-04-15) GL ----------------------------- Included treatment of OOT events. New parameters "withootset" and "ooteventset". Version 2.8.2 (2002-03-01) HB ----------------------------- identical to 2.8.1 which for some reason was not ingested into the system properly Version 2.8.1 (2002-02-27) HB ----------------------------- Closed SPR: -SSC-SPR-2718: INSR array out of range if input source table empty (on Linux) Version 2.8 (2002-01-10) HB --------------------------- test harness updated Version 2.7 (2002-01-09) HB --------------------------- default values of parameters withexpimage and withdetmask set to true Closed SPR: +SSC-SPR-2692 esplinemap writing massive output Version 2.6 (2001-10-17) ------------------------ Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-2374 Incomplete directory execution rights Version 2.5 (2001-07-25) ------------------------ the dynamic range of the input data for the spline fit was compressed to avoid oscillations of the spline map in the presence of bright extended sources Closed SPR + SSC-SPR-2477 (on emldetect) fixed by extending the backgrounnd to areas outside the FOV (if withexpimage=true) Version 2.4 (2001-03-30) ------------------------ DEPEND file updated Version 2.3.1 (2001-03-16) -------------------------- Task parameter idinst was removed. The instrument id is now read from the INSTRUME keyword of the input image. Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-2113 can't specify cheese filename + SSC-SPR-2131 does not trap detmask from wrong camera + SSC-SPR-2251 float to string problem Version 2.3 (2001-01-26) ------------------------ + as suggested by JO, source cut-out radii are now source count dependent (two new parameters, IDINST and IDBAND added. Parameter scut redefined) + SSC-SPR-2191 (was closed in v2.2): additional correction of number of free parameters of spline fit: was (nx-4)(ny-4); corrected to (nx-8)(ny-8) (= number of internal nodes of bicubic spline fit; see, e.g., description of NAG routine E02DAF) + SSC-SPR-2056 on edetect_chain (already closed): additional measures to reduce undesired oscillating behaviour of spline fit: 1. lower limit of background map forced to 20% value of background histogram 2. removal of negative 4-sigma excesses from spline fit input data (previously only positive 4 sigma excesses were removed) Version 2.2 (2001-01-15) ------------------------ Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-2191 reduced chisqr quoted in output file keyword is incorrect. The number of dof of the spline fit is now listedin keyword NDOF. Version 2.1 (2000-12-20) ------------------------ Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-2056 Background maps showing holes + SSC-SPR-2114 sets input or output? + SSC-SPR-2116 mmlmin not in input file + SSC-SPR-2122 Task crashed with FITSIO error Version 2.0 (2000-09-25) ------------------------ - Reduced Chi**2 of spline fit is now copied to keyword CHISQR of background map. Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-1955 Input filename limited to 80 characters + SSC-SPR-0829 NO CHANGE when modifying the Spline_Node + SSC-SPR-0828 Radius of excluded regions + SSC-SPR-0826 Documentation Concern Version 1.9 2000-07-28 ------------------------- Task now generates an error if WCS reference pixel is outside FOV .lyt file added Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-1933 Task in infinite loop ? Version 1.8.2 2000-07-02 ------------------------- + test output removed Version 1.8.1 2000-07-02 ------------------------- Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-1147 PSF center harcoded at 320,320 + SSC-SPR-1604 Task fails if optional parameters are omitted + SSC-SPR-1791 missing info file Version 1.8 (January, 25 2000) -------------------------------- - input source list modified to conform to DCPs (requires eboxdetect v3.0 or higher) - task now reads i1, i2, i4, r4, and r8 input images - task description adjusted to actual functionality of present task version Version 1.7.1 (Marco Beijersbergen, 1999-12-15) ------------- - added DISTRIBUTION - fixed obsolete DAL calls Version 1.7 (July 20, 1999) --------------------------- - this corrects an error which resulted in a program crash if image sizes are not pultiples of 16 pixels - open SPRs: see version 1.6 Version 1.6 (July 12, 1999) --------------------------- - parameter names changed to conform to convention Closed SPRs: - 0827: box_size column filled in input source table - 0984: taskmain included in DEPEND Open SPRs: - 0826: documentation - 0828: size of excluded regions - 0829: spline nodes Version 1.5 ---------------------- - Now operates on arbitrarily sized input images Version 1.4 ---------------------- - Routine cp_head exchanged with newer version. This was required to make the output of esplinemap consistent with the other tasks in the edetect_chain script. - Minor corrections in task description. Version 1.3 ---------------------- Closed SPRs: - 0363: Scientific functionality added. - 0510: Test harness corrected. Version 1.2 ---------------------- Default values for file name parameters removed. Closed SPRs: - 0364: Test harness: changed: f90 program used to compare output to reference background map. - 0365: File test/Makefile edited. - 0474: "draft" removed from task description. Open SPRs: - 0363: Full functionality will be added in version 1.3. Version 1.1 ---------------------- ChangeLog added Closed SPRs: - 0162: .par file provided instead of .prm - 0165: test harness is more robust now - 0166: " Open SPRs: (will be treated in next task version) - 0161: test_plan - 0163: algorithmic section to be added in next task versionq - 0164: cp_head to be replaced by generic mechanism Version 1.0 ---------------------------- - Original version submitted to the SOC To do list: =========== - implement source extent dependent cutout radius - add out-of-time events contribution to background map - add error handling and verbosity control - add CAL call to function blur - upgrade io routines - change F77 code to F90 - upgrade task description