Users Handbook
The main point of the RGS sensitivity is the emission line detection
threshold. To get an estimate of the exposure time necessary to detect
a line above a certain underlying continuum (at a given significance
level) detailed simulations should be performed. Then the line flux
integrated over the HEW of the line profile should be evaluated. For
such an estimate, four contributing components must be considered:
- the flux of the line,
- the flux of the underlying continuum of the source,
- the X-ray background, and
- the particle background (see §
At the discussed energies the extragalactic X-ray background can be well
reproduced by a power-law spectrum. This allows us to consider the X-ray
background simply by adding an additional component to the continuum
flux of the source.
Various components may feature in the data from RGS observations, such
- Internal X-ray calibration sources. Four calibration sources
permanently illuminate the CCDs of the RFC. The emission is primarily
of F-K and Al-K. They are evident as four horizontal distributions in
the bottom panel of Fig. 78. The source
intensity is 0.1 counts cm
. Using both spatial and
energy information, their contribution to the celestial spectra can be
- Optical load on the CCDs. This is caused by optical straylight.
Detected optical photons will modify the gain calibration of the CCDs
through an introduction of an additional energy offset. Using
diagnostic mode data, these offsets can be measured.
- Background. This component is explained in detail in
§ The diffuse cosmic X-ray background can be
modelled assuming an isotropic spatial distribution. The soft-protons
induced background is more difficult to remove. For point sources, it
can be estimated by selecting a region on the CCDs in the cross
dispersion direction and using the same windows in the CCD pulse
height as for the source. The background estimation for spatially
extended sources or low surface brightness sources (like galaxy
clusters) is more problematic as it is not so simple to select an
acceptable “empty” region in the cross dispersion direction. The
average background described in § could be used for
quiet periods, however, as some of the components (or model
parameters) are clearly variable, this is not a trivial task. The
uncertainty of this method is estimated comparing the different
“blank-sky” exposures used to obtain the average spectrum and it is
about 30%. In some cases, EPIC data could be used to directly measure
the background. As a different alternative, for extended, irregular,
sources the user may consider the need for a particular position angle
that could guarantee an “empty” background region in the cross
dispersion direction.
- Apparent cross-talk between orders. The CCD response includes a
low energy tail due to a finite number of photons producing
anomalously low energy signatures. In the case of bright emission
feature being measured in the second order spectrum, the intensity of
this tail may become significant, as it may produce counts in the
co-located first order spectrum. These effects can be easily
identified in PHA or PI energy versus dispersion plane. (cf.
Fig. 78).
- Effects of scattering by the gratings. Due to X-ray scattering off
the gratings (about 20% at mid band), there is an additional tail of
the LSF. While true source continuum emission follows the dispersion
equation (the inverse relation between photon energy and wavelength),
scattered light appears as an horizontal distribution in the pulse
height versus dispersion plot (cf.
Fig. 78). This effect can be modelled and is
included in the response generator of the SAS.
European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre