RXTE Observation Helps Astronomers Link Galactic and Supermassive Black Holes

January 13, 1999

RXTE observers Paul Nandra and Rick Edelson have found suggestive similarities in the timing properties of NGC 3516, an AGN suspected of harboring a supermassive black hole, and Cygnus X-1, the prototypical galactic black hole. The flickering properties of the two objects are different by a factor of about one million, the same factor by which NGC 3516 is brighter than Cygnus X-1 in luminosity. If luminosity scales with mass, the result implies a mass for NGC 3516 of 10 million solar masses, in line with earlier estimates based on spectroscopic measurements.

Details of their results can be found at NASA's Structure and Evolution of the Universe Press Releases page; the result also appears in January 11, 1999 issue of Space News, in the Space Log section, page 12.

Nandra and Edelson's work on NGC 3516 is featured in the Greatest Hits of RXTE.