5.7.6 Column Binning or Histogramming Routines

The following routines may be useful when performing histogramming operations on column(s) of a table to generate an image in a primary array or image extension.

Calculate the histogramming parameters (min, max, and bin size for each axis of the histogram, based on a variety of possible input parameters. If the input names of the columns to be binned are null, then the routine will first look for the CPREF = "NAME1, NAME2, ..." keyword which lists the preferred columns. If not present, then the routine will assume the column names X, Y, Z, and T for up to 4 axes (as specified by the NAXIS parameter).

MININ and MAXIN are input arrays that give the minimum and maximum value for the histogram, along each axis. Alternatively, the name of keywords that give the min, max, and binsize may be give with the MINNAME, MAXNAME, and BINNAME array parameters. If the value = DOUBLENULLVALUE and no keyword names are given, then the routine will use the TLMINn and TLMAXn keywords, if present, or the actual min and/or max values in the column.

The “d” version has double precision floating point outputs as noted in the calling signature. The version without “d” has single precision floating point outputs.

BINSIZEIN is an array giving the binsize along each axis. If the value = DOUBLENULLVALUE, and a keyword name is not specified with BINNAME, then this routine will first look for the TDBINn keyword, or else will use a binsize = 1, or a binsize that produces 10 histogram bins, which ever is smaller.

  int fits_calc_binning[d]
   Input parameters:
     (fitsfile *fptr,  /* IO - pointer to table to be binned              */
      int naxis,       /* I - number of axes/columns in the binned image  */
      char colname[4][FLEN_VALUE],   /* I - optional column names         */
      double *minin,     /* I - optional lower bound value for each axis  */
      double *maxin,     /* I - optional upper bound value, for each axis */
      double *binsizein, /* I - optional bin size along each axis         */
      char minname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for min       */
      char maxname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for max       */
      char binname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for binsize   */
   Output parameters:
      int *colnum,     /* O - column numbers, to be binned */
      long *naxes,     /* O - number of bins in each histogram axis */
      float[double] *amin,     /* O - lower bound of the histogram axes */
      float[double] *amax,     /* O - upper bound of the histogram axes */
      float[double] *binsize,  /* O - width of histogram bins/pixels on each axis */
      int *status)

Copy the relevant keywords from the header of the table that is being binned, to the the header of the output histogram image. This will not copy the table structure keywords (e.g., NAXIS, TFORMn, TTYPEn, etc.) nor will it copy the keywords that apply to other columns of the table that are not used to create the histogram. This routine will translate the names of the World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords for the binned columns into the form that is need for a FITS image (e.g., the TCTYPn table keyword will be translated to the CTYPEn image keyword).

  int fits_copy_pixlist2image
      (fitsfile *infptr,   /* I - pointer to input HDU */
       fitsfile *outfptr,  /* I - pointer to output HDU */
       int firstkey,       /* I - first HDU keyword to start with */
       int naxis,          /* I - number of axes in the image */
       int *colnum,        /* I - numbers of the columns to be binned  */
       int *status)        /* IO - error status */

Write a set of default WCS keywords to the histogram header, IF the WCS keywords do not already exist. This will create a linear WCS where the coordinate types are equal to the original column names.

  int fits_write_keys_histo
     (fitsfile *fptr,     /* I - pointer to table to be binned              */
      fitsfile *histptr,  /* I - pointer to output histogram image HDU      */
      int naxis,          /* I - number of axes in the histogram image      */
      int *colnum,        /* I - column numbers of the binned columns       */
      int *status)

Update the WCS keywords in a histogram image header that give the location of the reference pixel (CRPIXn), and the pixel size (CDELTn), in the binned image.

The “d” version has double precision floating point inputs as noted in the calling signature. The version without “d” has single precision floating point inputs.

  int fits_rebin_wcs[d]
     (fitsfile *fptr,     /* I - pointer to table to be binned           */
      int naxis,          /* I - number of axes in the histogram image   */
      float[double] *amin,        /* I - first pixel include in each axis        */
      float[double] *binsize,     /* I - binning factor for each axis            */
      int *status)

Bin the values in the input table columns, and write the histogram array to the output FITS image (histptr).

The “d” version has double precision floating point inputs as noted in the calling signature. The version without “d” has single precision floating point inputs.

  int fits_make_hist[d]
   (fitsfile *fptr,    /* I - pointer to table with X and Y cols;      */
    fitsfile *histptr, /* I - pointer to output FITS image             */
    int bitpix,        /* I - datatype for image: 16, 32, -32, etc     */
    int naxis,         /* I - number of axes in the histogram image    */
    long *naxes,       /* I - size of axes in the histogram image      */
    int *colnum,       /* I - column numbers (array length = naxis)    */
    float[double] *amin,       /* I - minimum histogram value, for each axis   */
    float[double] *amax,       /* I - maximum histogram value, for each axis   */
    float[double] *binsize,    /* I - bin size along each axis                 */
    float[double] weight,      /* I - binning weighting factor (FLOATNULLVALUE */
                       /*     for no weighting)                        */
    int wtcolnum,      /* I - keyword or col for weight      (or NULL) */
    int recip,         /* I - use reciprocal of the weight? 0 or 1     */
    char *selectrow,   /* I - optional array (length = no. of          */
                       /* rows in the table).  If the element is true  */
                       /* then the corresponding row of the table will */
                       /* be included in the histogram, otherwise the  */
                       /* row will be skipped.  Ingnored if *selectrow */
                       /* is equal to NULL.                            */
    int *status)