- 1
- Get information about an existing ASCII or binary table column. A null
pointer may be given for any of the output parameters that are not
needed. DATATYPE is a character string which returns the data type
of the column as defined by the TFORMn keyword (e.g., 'I', 'J','E',
'D', etc.). In the case of an ASCII character column, typecode
will have a value of the form 'An' where 'n' is an integer
expressing the width of the field in characters. For example, if
TFORM = '160A8' then ffgbcl will return typechar='A8' and
repeat=20. All the returned parameters are scalar quantities.
int fits_get_acolparms / ffgacl
(fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, > char *ttype, long *tbcol,
char *tunit, char *tform, double *scale, double *zero,
char *nulstr, char *tdisp, int *status)
int fits_get_bcolparms / ffgbcl
(fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, > char *ttype, char *tunit,
char *typechar, long *repeat, double *scale, double *zero,
long *nulval, char *tdisp, int *status)
int fits_get_bcolparmsll / ffgbclll
(fitsfile *fptr, int colnum, > char *ttype, char *tunit,
char *typechar, LONGLONG *repeat, double *scale, double *zero,
LONGLONG *nulval, char *tdisp, int *status)
- 2
- Return optimal number of rows to read or write at one time for
maximum I/O efficiency. Refer to the
“Optimizing Code” section in Chapter 5 for more discussion on how
to use this routine.
int fits_get_rowsize / ffgrsz
(fitsfile *fptr, long *nrows, *status)
- 3
- Define the zero indexed byte offset of the 'heap' measured from
the start of the binary table data. By default the heap is assumed
to start immediately following the regular table data, i.e., at
location NAXIS1 x NAXIS2. This routine is only relevant for
binary tables which contain variable length array columns (with
TFORMn = 'Pt'). This routine also automatically writes
the value of theap to a keyword in the extension header. This
routine must be called after the required keywords have been
written (with ffphbn)
but before any data is written to the table.
int fits_write_theap / ffpthp
(fitsfile *fptr, long theap, > int *status)
- 4
- Test the contents of the binary table variable array heap, returning
the size of the heap, the number of unused bytes that are not currently
pointed to by any of the descriptors, and the number of bytes which are
pointed to by multiple descriptors. It also returns valid = FALSE if
any of the descriptors point to invalid addresses out of range of the
int fits_test_heap / fftheap
(fitsfile *fptr, > LONGLONG *heapsize, LONGLONG *unused, LONGLONG *overlap,
int *validheap, int *status)
- 5
- Re-pack the vectors in the binary table variable array heap to recover
any unused space. Normally, when a vector in a variable length
array column is rewritten the previously written array remains in
the heap as wasted unused space. This routine will repack the
arrays that are still in use, thus eliminating any bytes in the
heap that are no longer in use. Note that if several vectors point
to the same bytes in the heap, then this routine will make
duplicate copies of the bytes for each vector, which will actually
expand the size of the heap.
int fits_compress_heap / ffcmph
(fitsfile *fptr, > int *status)