EXOPHA USAGE exopha -o outfile -r rate -e error -i instrume -f filter -x exposure DESCRIPTION This script generates one channel OGIP FITS PHA file for the Low Energy telescope used in conjunction with the Channel Multiplier array detectors (CMA1 and CMA2) on board EXOSAT. Response matrices suitable for the spectral files generated by this script are available in the HEASARC calibration database. The PHA file and response matrices are in XSPEC compatible format. To create the PHA file, the script invokes the task 'ascii2pha' available within the heasarc package currently distributed with ftools. The required input paramaters are : count rate and error, detector name, filter, exposure and output filename. The filter values for both CMA1 and CMA2 are : PPL, 4Lex, 3Lex,Bor,AL/P. Since the CMA1 and CMA2 (all filters) response matrices are on-axis, the count rate for off-axis sources should be corrected as observed on-axis using 'exovign'. Deadtime due to telemetry loss can considerably effect the count rate and ultimatly the flux estimate. The input count rate should therefore derived from images or lightcurves corrected for deadtime using 'cmadead'. All input parameters can be entered either in response to prompts or on the command line by using the appropriate flags. FLAGS -h - Prints this help file -y - overwrite an existing FITS file the following flags require arguments -o - the output FITS file name -r - the count rate -e - the count rate error -i - the instrument [CMA1 or CMA2 only] -f - the filter [3Lx, 4Lx, Al/P, Bor, PPL] -x - the exposure time in seconds Parameters set within the script and relevant for the EXOSAT mission: telescope=EXOSAT areascal=86.4 EXAMPLES Create a CMA1 pha file with a count rate of 2e-3 +/- 1e-3 in the 3Lx filter with an exposure of 2000 seconds > exopha -o output.pha -r 2e-3 -e 1e-3 -i cma1 -f 3Lx -x 2000