nupipeline -- Run in sequence the tasks for NuSTAR data processing.


nupipeline indir steminputs outdir [parameter = < value >]


The 'nupipeline' runs in sequence all the modules of the NuSTAR Data Analysis Software (NuSTARDAS) to produce L1a/L2 cleaned, calibrated event list files and standard L3 high-level scientific products starting from L1 FITS formatted telemetry data.

The list of the software modules called by 'nupipeline is the following:

The 'nupipeline' data processing is organized in three distinct stages for calibration, data screening and extraction of high-level scientific products:

  1. Data Calibration: processing of FITS formatted telemetry to produce calibrated event files (Stage 1);

  2. Data Screening: filtering of calibrated event files, by applying cleaning criteria on specified attitude/orbital/instrument parameters and event properties, to produce cleaned event files. Exposure maps are also generated (Stage2);

  3. Products Extraction: extraction of high-level scientific products (light-curves, spectra, images, ARF and RMF files) from cleaned event files (Stage 3).

Input files for the 'nupipeline' are (the sequence 40060001001 is used as an example):

Output files generated by the 'nupipeline' are:


(instrument=ALL) [string]
Focal Plane Module to be processed. ALL to process all modules [FPMA,FPMB].

(obsmode=ALL) [string]
Observing mode selection for GTI generation: SCIENCE(01),OCCULTATION(02),SLEW(03),SAA(04),CALIBRATION(05),SCIENCE_SC(06) or ALL.

indir [string]
Target Archive Directory Path

steminputs [string]
Stem for FITS input files

outdir [string]
Directory for outputs.

(stemoutputs = DEFAULT)
Stem for FITS output files or DEFAULT to use stem of input files.

(fpma_infile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input FPMA Event File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(fpmb_infile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input FPMB Event File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(entrystage = 1) [integer]
Start stage of pipeline processing (min=1, max=2).

(exitstage = 2) [integer]
End stage of the pipeline processing (min=1, max=3).

(initseed=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, the random number generator uses a frozen seed value. If set to no, different seeds are generated for each run.

(cleancols=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', the task deletes temporary columns in the event file.

(cleanup =yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', the task deletes temporary files.

(clobber=no) [boolean]
If set to 'yes' the task overwrites the output files if they exist..

(chatter = 3) [integer]
Chatter Level (min=0, max=5).

(history=yes) [boolean]
Write parameter values and other information in HISTORY keywords.

(pntra = POINT) [string]
R.A. of S/C nominal pointing (degrees or hh mm ss.s) or POINT or OBJECT.

(pntdec = POINT) [string]
Declination of S/C nominal pointing (degrees or hh mm ss.s) or POINT or OBJECT.

(attfile = DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of FITS attitude file or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(fpma_teldef=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the FPMA teldef calibration file or CALDB.

(fpmb_teldef=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the FPMB teldef calibration file or CALDB.

(fpma_hkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input FPMA Housekeeping File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(fpmb_hkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input FPMB Housekeeping File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(cebhkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input CEB Housekeeping FITS file or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(inobebhkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input OBEB Housekeeping FITS file or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(obebhkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output OBEB Housekeeping FITS file or DEFAULT to use the standard name.

(arfmlicorr=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, enables ARF MLI temperature-dependent correction for FPMA data.

(alignfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input alignment file or CALDB.

(aberration=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, aberration is included in aspecting.

inmastaspectfile [filename]
Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive (used only if runmetrology=no or entrystage=2)

(outattfile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the Corrected Attitude File or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(chuoffsetfile = CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input CHUs Quaternion Offset File or CALDB.

(fpma_pixposfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input PIXPOS File for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_pixposfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input PIXPOS File for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_instrprobmapfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input Instrument Probability Map File for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_instrprobmapfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input Instrument Probability Map File for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_vignfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input vignetting file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_vignfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input vignetting file for FPMB or CALDB.

(pixbin = 5) [integer]
Bin size of aspect histogram in pixels for exposure maps and ARF files (pixel size = 2.46 arcsec).

fpma_inoptaxisfile [file name]
Name of the input Optical Axis File for FPMA (used only if entrystage=2).

fpmb_inoptaxisfile [file name]
Name of the input Optical Axis File for FPMB (used only if entrystage=2).

fpma_indet1reffile [filename]
Name of the the input DET1 Reference Pixel File for FPMA (used only if entrystage=2).

fpmb_indet1reffile [filename]
Name of the the input DET1 Reference Pixel File for FPMB (used only if entrystage=2).

(runmetrology=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the numetrology task is executed.

(metflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the task processes the metrology data.

(metrologyfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input raw Metrology File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive (used only if metflag=yes).

(metgridfile=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input Metrology Grid File or CALDB (used only if metflag=yes).

inpsdfilecor [filename]
Name of the input corrected Position Sensing Detector File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive (used only if metflag=no or runmetrology=no or entrystage=2).

(outpsdfile=DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of the output Position Sensing Detector File or DEFAULT to use standard name (used only if metflag=yes).

(outpsdfilecor=DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of the output corrected Position Sensing Detector File or DEFAULT to use standard name (used only if metflag=yes).

(mastaspectfile=DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of the output Mast Aspect Solution File or DEFAULT to use standard name (used only if runmetrology=yes).

(psdcal=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the task apply PSD linearization to the corrected Position Sensing Detector File.

(fpma_bpfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the on-ground BADPIX File for FPMA or CALDB or NONE.

(fpmb_bpfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the on-ground BADPIX File for FPMB or CALDB or NONE.

(fpma_dispixfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the on-board disabled pixel File for FPMA or NONE or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(fpmb_dispixfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the on-board disabled pixel File for FPMB or NONE or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(fpma_userbpfile = NONE) [file name]
Name of the user bad pixel File for FPMA or NONE.

(fpmb_userbpfile = NONE) [file name]
Name of the user bad pixel File for FPMB or NONE.

(fpma_outbpfile=DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of the output Bad Pixel file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use standard name or NONE for none.

(fpmb_outbpfile=DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of the output Bad Pixel file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use standard name or NONE for none.

(fpma_outhpfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output FPMA hot pixel file. If outhpfile=DEFAULT the standard naming convention is used for the output file. If outhpfile=NONE no output file is created.

(fpmb_outhpfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output FPMB hot pixel file. If outhpfile=DEFAULT the standard naming convention is used for the output file. If outhpfile=NONE no output file is created.

(hpbinsize = 600) [real]
Bin size (seconds) for count image generation.

(hpcellsize = 5) [integer]
Hot Pixels search cell size in units of pixels. Must be an odd integer greater than '1'.

(impfac = 1.0) [real]
Value used to compute the background level (input for the incomplete Gamma function) for hot pixel search.

(logpos = -6) [real]
Logarithm of the Poisson probability threshold for rejecting a hot pixel. Must be negative.

(bthresh = 6.) [real]
Background threshold used if the candidate hot/flickering pixel's neighborhood has zero counts.

(cleanflick = yes) [boolean]
If set to "yes", search and flag hot/flickering pixels.

(hpiterate = yes) [boolean]
If set to "yes", iterate the search of hot/flickering pixels.

(runcalcpha=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the nucalcpha task is executed.

(fpma_capoffsetfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the CAP_OFFSET File for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_capoffsetfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the CAP_OFFSET File for FPMB or CALDB.

(gradefile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input GRADE File or CALDB.

(fpma_phaparfile=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input FITS PHAPAR file for FPMA. If set to CALDB (default), use the file in the Calibration Database. If set to NONE, the 'evtthr' and 'timerise' input parameters are used.

(fpmb_phaparfile=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input FITS PHAPAR file for FPMB. If set to CALDB (default), use the file in the Calibration Database. If set to NONE, the 'evtthr' and 'timerise' input parameters are used.

(fpma_evtthr = 55) [integer]
Event software threshold for FPMA.

(fpmb_evtthr = 55) [integer]
Event software threshold for FPMB.

(fpma_timerise = 0.0016) [real]
Time of rise correction coefficient for FPMA.

(fpmb_timerise = 0.0016) [real]
Time of rise correction coefficient for FPMB.

(runcalcpi=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the nucalcpi task is executed.

(fpma_gainfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the GAIN file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_gainfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the GAIN file for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_clcfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input charge loss correction file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_clcfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input charge loss correction file for FPMB or CALDB.

(clcfilterfile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input charge loss correction filter file or CALDB.

(runflagevt=yes) [boolean]
Execute nuflagevt task? (yes/no).

(fpma_depthcutfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input depth cut file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_depthcutfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input depth cut file for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_evtcutfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input events cut file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_evtcutfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input events cut file for FPMB or CALDB.

(follow_sun=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, recalculate the Sun position for each event.

(randomizecoordinator=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, Randomize coordinates when rebinning.

(seedcoordinator=-1956) [integer]
Random number generator seed for coordinator task.

(timemargin=32) [real]
Allowed margin for time extrapolation (sec).

(attinterpol = LINEAR) [string]
Method to calculate attitude interpolation ([LINEAR|CONSTANT]).

(fpma_optaxisfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output Optical Axis File for FPMA or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpmb_optaxisfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output Optical Axis File for FPMB or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpma_det1reffile = DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of the the output DET1 Reference Pixel File for FPMA or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpmb_det1reffile = DEFAULT) [filename]
Name of the the output DET1 Reference Pixel File for FPMB or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpma_det1xref = 350) [integer]
DET1X coordinate of the detector reference pixel for FPMA.

(fpma_det1yref = 350) [integer]
DET1Y coordinate of the detector reference pixel for FPMA.

(fpmb_det1xref = 350) [integer]
DET1X coordinate of the detector reference pixel for FPMB.

(fpmb_det1yref = 350) [integer]
DET1Y coordinate of the detector reference pixel for FPMB.

(fpma_outhkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output FPMA Housekeeping File or DEFAULT to use stem.

(fpmb_outhkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output FPMB Housekeeping File or DEFAULT to use stem.

(saaparfile=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input SAAPAR file or CALDB.

(saacalc=3) [integer]
SAA calculation algorithm [1,2 or 3]

(saamode=NONE) [string]
SAA calculation mode [NONE|STRICT|OPTIMIZED].

(tentacle=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, calculate SAA tentacle flag.

(hkevtexpr="STATUS==b000000000x0xx000&&SHIELD==0&&GRADE.LE.26") [string]
Expression to select good events for SAA calculation or NONE to do not make the selection.

(optimizedrms=4.5) [real]
Optimized SAA filtering RMS threshold (only if saacalc=2 or 3)

(tentaclerms=4.5) [real]
Tentacle SAA filtering RMS threshold (only if saacalc=2 or 3)

(eliminatesource=yes) [boolean]
Eliminate the source for events rate estimation in SAA calculation? (yes/no) (only if saacalc=2 or 3)

(sourcethr=4.0) [real]
Sigma upper limit cut-off for source elimination in SAA calculation (only if saacalc=2 or 3)

(tentacleregcut=yes) [boolean]
Apply Longitude restriction for SAA tentacle calculation? (yes/no) (only if saacalc=2 or 3)

(orbitfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input Orbit FITS file or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(fpma_attorbfile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output FPMA prefilter file or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpmb_attorbfile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output FPMB prefilter file or DEFAULT for standard name.

(preconfigfile=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input 'prefilter' configuration file or CALDB.

(tlemode=TLE_TEXT2) [string]
TLE processing mode [TLE_TEXT2|TLE_FITS].

(tlefile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input TLE file or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive.

(leapfile=$HEADAS/refdata/leapsec.fits) [file name]
Name of the input leap seconds file.

(rigfile=$HEADAS/refdata/ [file name]
Name of the input atFunctions rigidity file.

(origin=NASA/GSFC) [string]
Value for FITS ORIGIN keyword.

(interval=1) [real]
Time interval of output prefilter file (seconds).

(mkfconfigfile = CALDB) [string]
Name of the input FITS makefilter configuration file. If set to CALDB, the file is taken from the calibration database.

(fpma_mkffile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output makefilter file for FPMA. Type DEFAULT to use the standard name.

(fpmb_mkffile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output makefilter file for FPMB. Type DEFAULT to use the standard name.

(nonulls=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes' discharges from makefilter file rows with TIME set to NULL.

(mkfgtiexpr=NONE) [string]
Expression to screen mkf file for orbit file GTI or NONE to do not create these GTI.

(gtiscreen=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', the event file is screened for attitude and/or instrument HK GTIs generated using the parameter 'gtiexpr'.

(evtscreen=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes' the event file is screened for the expressions specified in the 'statusexpr' and 'gradeexpr' parameters.

(gtiexpr01=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to generate attitude and/or instrument HK GTIs for obs. mode 01. If set to 'DEFAULT', the boolean expression is constructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'hkrangefile01'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the GTI are not calculated.

(gtiexpr02=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to generate attitude and/or instrument HK GTIs for obs. mode 02. If set to 'DEFAULT', the boolean expression is constructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'hkrangefile02'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the GTI are not calculated.

(gtiexpr03=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to generate attitude and/or instrument HK GTIs for obs. mode 03. If set to 'DEFAULT', the boolean expression is constructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'hkrangefile03'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the GTI are not calculated.

(gtiexpr04=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to generate attitude and/or instrument HK GTIs for obs. mode 04. If set to 'DEFAULT', the boolean expression is constructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'hkrangefile04'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the GTI are not calculated.

(gtiexpr05=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to generate attitude and/or instrument HK GTIs for obs. mode 05. If set to 'DEFAULT', the boolean expression is constructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'hkrangefile05'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the GTI are not calculated.

(gtiexpr06=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to generate attitude and/or instrument HK GTIs for obs. mode 05. If set to 'DEFAULT', the boolean expression is constructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'hkrangefile06'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the GTI are not calculated.

(gradeexpr=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to select the column 'GRADE' in the input event file input as a single value or a range. If set to 'DEFAULT', the string is constructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'evtrangefile'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the GRADE selection is not set.

(statusexpr=DEFAULT) [string]
Expression to select events using the STATUS column in the input event file. If set to 'DEFAULT', the expression is contructed using the information in the file specified with the parameter 'evtrangefile'. If the paramater is set to 'NONE', the selection on the STATUS column is not set.

(createattgti=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', the GTI file includes good time intervals based on attitude parameters.

(createinstrgti=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', the GTI file includes good time intervals based on instrument HK parameters.

(usrgtifile = NONE) [file name]
Name of the user input GTI file for data screening. A text file containing a list of GTI files can be specified by preceding the filename with '@'. If set to 'NONE' (default), this parameter is ignored.

(fpma_hkrangefile01 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMA HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 01. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpma_hkrangefile02 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMA HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 02. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpma_hkrangefile03 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMA HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 03. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpma_hkrangefile04 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMA HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 04. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpma_hkrangefile05 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMA HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 05. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpma_hkrangefile06 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMA HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 06. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpmb_hkrangefile01 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMB HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 01. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpmb_hkrangefile02 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMB HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 02. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpmb_hkrangefile03 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMB HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 03. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpmb_hkrangefile04 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMB HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 04. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpmb_hkrangefile05 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMB HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 05. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpmb_hkrangefile06 = CALDB) [file name]
FPMB HKRANGE Calibration File Name for obs. mode 06. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the attitude and instrument HK allowed ranges are from a file in the Calibration Database. This parameter is used only if 'gtiexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpma_evtrangefile = CALDB) [string]
Name of the input EVTRANGE Calibration File Name for FPMA. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the event selection expression is contructed from the values stored in a CALDB file. This parameter is used only if 'gradeexpr' and/or 'statusexpr' are set to 'DEFAULT'.

(fpmb_evtrangefile = CALDB) [string]
Name of the input EVTRANGE Calibration File Name for FPMB. If set to 'CALDB' (default), the event selection expression is contructed from the values stored in a CALDB file. This parameter is used only if 'gradeexpr' and/or 'statusexpr' are set to 'DEFAULT'.

(depthcut = NOMINAL) [string]
Events depth cut screening [NONE|NOMINAL]. This parameter is used only if 'statusexpr' is set to 'DEFAULT'.

(timecol = TIME) [string]
Name of the TIME column in the input event file.

(gtiext = GTI) [string]
Name of the GTI extension in the event file.

(chu123hkfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input CHU123 Housekeeping FITS File or DEFAULT to use the file from the archive (used only if runsplitsc=yes)

(runsplitsc = no) [boolean]
Execute nusplitsc task? (yes/no)

(chu123rangefile = CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input fits CHU123RANGE file or CALDB (used only if runsplitsc=yes)

(splitmode = NORMAL) [string]
CHU123 splitting mode (NORMAL,STRICT) (used only if runsplitsc=yes)

(timecut = no) [boolean]
Cut non simultaneous CHU time intervals (yes/no)? (used only if runsplitsc=yes)

(createexpomap=no) [boolean]
Create exposure map (yes/no)?

(expovignflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, vignetting correction is applied to exposure maps.

(energy = 10) [real]
Energy value for vignetting calculation in exposure maps (keV).

(skyx = 500.5) [real]
SKY Exposure Map File center X coordinate.

(skyy = 500.5) [real]
SKY Exposure Map File center Y coordinate.

(skysize = 1000) [integer]
SKY Exposure Map File size (pixels).

(fpma_det1offsetfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output DET1 Offset File for FPMA or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpmb_det1offsetfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output DET1 Offset File for FPMB or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpma_aspecthistofile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output Aspect Histogram File for FPMA or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpmb_aspecthistofile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output Aspect Histogram File for FPMB or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpma_det1instrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output DET1 Instrument Map File for FPMA or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpmb_det1instrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output DET1 Instrument Map File for FPMB or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpma_det2instrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output DET2 Instrument Map File for FPMA or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpmb_det2instrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output DET2 Instrument Map File for FPMB or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpma_skyinstrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output SKY Instrument Map File for FPMA or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpmb_skyinstrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output SKY Instrument Map File for FPMB or NONE for none or DEFAULT to use standard name.

(fpma_expomapfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output Exposure Map File for FPMA or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpmb_expomapfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output Exposure Map File for FPMB or DEFAULT for standard name.

(srcregionfile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input source region file or DEFAULT to create a standard region file.

(bkgextract=yes) [boolean]
Extract background products? (yes/no).

(bkgregionfile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the input background region file or DEFAULT to create a standard region file (only if bkgextract=yes).

outdir [string]
Name of the output directory for products.

(stemout = DEFAULT)
Stem for the output files or DEFAULT for Standard Naming Convention.

srcra [string]
Source RA position (degrees or hh mm ss.s) or OBJECT (only if srcregionfile=DEFAULT).

srcdec [string]
Source DEC position (degrees or hh mm ss.s) or OBJECT (only if srcregionfile=DEFAULT).

(srcradius=20) [real]
Radius of source extraction region in pixels (pixel size = 2.46 arcsec) (only if srcregionfile=DEFAULT)

bkgra [string]
RA of background extraction region center (degrees or hh mm ss.s) or OBJECT (only if bkgregionfile=DEFAULT).

bkgdec [string]
DEC of background extraction region center (degrees or hh mm ss.s) or OBJECT (only if bkgregionfile=DEFAULT).

(bkgradius1=50) [real]
Inner radius of background extraction region in pixels (pixel size = 2.46 arcsec) (only if bkgregionfile=DEFAULT)

(bkgradius2=80) [real]
Outer radius of background extraction region in pixels (pixel size = 2.46 arcsec) (only if bkgregionfile=DEFAULT)

(lcbinsize=10) [real]
Bin size (seconds) for the light curve.

(fpma_lcfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output source light-curve file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpmb_lcfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output source light-curve file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpma_phafile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output source PHA file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpmb_phafile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output source PHA file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpma_bkglcfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output background light-curve file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none (only if bkgextract=yes).

(fpmb_bkglcfile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output background light-curve file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none (only if bkgextract=yes).

(fpma_bkgphafile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output background PHA file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none (only if bkgextract=yes).

(fpmb_bkgphafile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output background PHA file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none (only if bkgextract=yes).

(fpma_imagefile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output image file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpmb_imagefile = DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output image file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(productsgtifile = NONE) [file name]
Name of the input GTI file for spectrum and light curve extraction or NONE for none.

(plotdevice = gif)
Device for plots (gif or ps).

(pilow = 35) [integer]
Minimum PI value for light curve and image extraction.

(pihigh = 1909) [integer]
Maximum PI value for light curve and image extraction.

(correctlc=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, nulccorr task is executed.

(lcenergy = 10) [real]
Energy value for PSF and vignetting calculation in LC correction (keV).

(lcpsfflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply PSF correction to LC file (used only if extended=no).

(lcexpoflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply EXPOSURE correction to LC file (used only if extended=yes).

(lcvignflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the vignetting correction is applied to LC file.

(fpma_lcsrccorrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output LC source correction file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpmb_lcsrccorrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output LC source correction file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpma_lcbkgcorrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output LC background correction file for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(fpmb_lcbkgcorrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output LC background correction file for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem or NONE for none.

(runmkarf=yes) [boolean]
Execute numkarf task by nuproducts? (yes/no).

(fpma_outarffile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output ARF FITS File for FPMA or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpmb_outarffile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output ARF FITS File for FPMB or DEFAULT for standard name.

(fpma_inarffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input ARF file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_inarffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input ARF file for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_grppsffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input FPMA 2D-PSF Grouping File for ARF generation or CALDB.

(fpmb_grppsffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input FPMB 2D-PSF Grouping File for ARF generation or CALDB.

(fpma_psfdir=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input FPMA 2D-PSF files directory for ARF generation or CALDB.

(fpmb_psfdir=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input FPMB 2D-PSF files directory for ARF generation or CALDB.

(fpma_psffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input FPMA 2D-PSF file for LC correction or CALDB.

(fpmb_psffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input FPMB 2D-PSF file for LC correction or CALDB.

(fpma_apstopcorrfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input Aperture Stop Correction file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_apstopcorrfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input Aperture Stop Correction file for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_grcorrfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input Ghost Rays Correction file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_grcorrfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input Ghost Rays Correction file for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_detabscorrfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input DETABS Correction file for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_detabscorrfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input DETABS Correction file for FPMB or CALDB.

(psfflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply psf correction to ARF file (used only if extended=no).

(phibin = 30) [real]
Azimuth angle bin size for ARF vignetting correction (degrees).

(apstopphibin = 10) [real]
Azimuth angle bin size for ARF Aperture Stop correction (degrees).

(grphibin = 10) [real]
Azimuth angle bin size for ARF Ghost Rays correction (degrees).

(arfvignflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply vignetting correction to ARF file.

(arfapstopflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply aperture stop correction to ARF file.

(arfgrflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply ghost rays correction to ARF file.

(arfdetabsflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply DETABS correction to ARF file.

(extended=no) [boolean]
Extended source for ARF file generation?(yes/no).

(boxsize=20) [integer]
Size in pixel for the subimage boxes for ARF file generation (used if extended=yes).

(pilowarf=35) [integer]
Minimum PI value for subregion ARF weight calculation (only if extended=yes).

(pihigharf=1909) [integer]
Maximum PI value for subregion ARF weight calculation (only if extended=yes).

(flatflagarf=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, use flat distribution for addarf execution (only if extended=yes).

(cutmaps=yes) [boolean]
Use resized exposure maps for PSF correction?(yes/no) (only if extended=no).

(percent = 0.02) [real]
Probability threshold for DET1 instrument map generation.

(barycorr=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, barycenter correction is executed (used only if exitstage=3).

(clockfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the Clock Correction File or CALDB (used only if barycorr=yes).

srcra_barycorr [real]
Source RA position in decimal degrees (used only if barycorr=yes).

srcdec_barycorr [real]
Source DEC position in decimal degrees (used only if barycorr=yes).

(productsgtibarycorr=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, barycenter correction to the input GTI file is executed for spectrum and light curve extraction.

(runmkrmf=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, numkrmf task is executed by nuproducts.

(fpma_outrmffile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output RMF FITS File for FPMA or DEFAULT to use stem.

(fpmb_outrmffile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output RMF FITS File for FPMB or DEFAULT to use stem.

(fpma_grprmffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input RMF Grouping File for RMF file generation for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_grprmffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input RMF Grouping File for RMF file generation for FPMB or CALDB.

(fpma_rmfdir=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input RMF files directory for FPMA or CALDB.

(fpmb_rmfdir=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input RMF files directory for FPMB or CALDB.

(cmprmf=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the output RMF file is compressed.

(runbackscale=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, nubackscale task is executed by nuproducts.


  1. Run the stages 1 and 2 of the 'nupipeline' on FPMA and FPMB NuSTAR Event Files. All outputs are created into the './out' output directory.
     > nupipeline indir=/archive/40060001001/ steminputs=nu40060001001 outdir=./out
  2. Run the stages 1, 2 and 3 of the 'nupipeline' on FPMA and FPMB NuSTAR Event Files. All outputs are created into the './out' output directory.
     > nupipeline indir=/archive/40060001001/ steminputs=nu40060001001 outdir=./out exitstage=3 
       srcra=187.272610 srcdec=2.086764 bkgra=187.272610 bkgdec=2.086764 




March 2021