castpart -- Cast model particle background counts in sky coordinates


castpart test 5 yes


Cast model particle background counts in sky coordinates with the same pixel size as the vignetting-corrected exposure maps and event images. Individual maps are cast of the total counts from the internally produced component, two externally produced components, and the afterpulse component (if the input value is non-zero). The counts are separated into the various bands by another task.

Note that the total number of particle background counts (an output of this program) is needed for the program FIT_AP and that the result of FIT_AP is needed as an input to this program. This circular relationship is resolved simply by running CASTPART first with zero for the afterpulse input and setting the 'CONTINUE' parameter to 'NO'. Then the program will terminate after it produces the value for the total number of particle background counts. FIT_AP can then be run to determine the number of afterpulse events, which can then be fed back to CASTPART. Setting the 'CONTINUE' parameter to 'YES' would produce the output files.

The input files required by the routine castpart are test_ANC.FITS (assuming the observation control prefix is 'test') and valid_times.dat. The file valid_times.dat is an ascii file; each line in the file consists of a counter (an integer), begin time, and end time, where the times are given in terms of spacecraft clock time. This must be the same time selection as used with the programs CASTDATA, CASTEXP, CASTPART, and LTE. Also, an output file named test_diag.out needs to be created in the current working directory for the program to print the diagnostic messages. This diagnostic information file is also produced initially by CASTDATA and will have additional data appended to it.

The image output of castpart consists of fits files of the particle background counts from the internally produced component (partin.fits), two externally produced components (partex1.fits, partex2.fits), and afterpulse component if the input number of afterpulse events was non-zero (partap.fits).


(obs = "OBS") [string]
Observation control (prefix for the filenames xxx_ANC.FITS and xxx_diag.out)

(ap = "AP") [real]
The number of AP counts.

(continue = "CONTINUE") [string]
The CONTINUE parameter enables user to exit the program in the first run before the calculations are done. A subsequent run with the parameter set to 'yes' would produce the output files.


1. Cast model particle background counts for test_ANC.FITS data file for 5 AP counts.

ft> castpart test 5 yes


The "OBS" parameter must be limited to 8 characters. Versions prior to FTOOLS 4.3 required that the input files be in uppercase; this requirement was removed in FTOOLS 4.3


Jun96 ftools.rosat