NAME dsdlcurve -- reads heao1 scanning data and creates scan files centered at chosen targets using selected scalar rates from the MED and HED3 detectors.


        equinox ra dec infile rootname beta ivwoff daily_effic
          iclwt1 sc_mode sc_wt1 sc_wt2 sc_wt3 sc_wt4 sc_wt5 sc_wt6
          sc_wt7 sc_wt8 det_select det_no anti_coeff anti_mode anti_wt
          (tchat) (lchat) (clobber) (mode)


This program accumulates scanning profiles in the vicinity of a given object's position, and indicates the times when the source was in view. It uses the DSDISK data which consists of two files: one for the large (3.0 x 3.0 degree) and one for the small (1.5 x 3.0 degree) field of view (FOV). Each file includes counts only for the HED3 and MED detectors (part of the HEAO1 A2 experiment) in four energy bands (known as discovery scalars) taken during the mission lifetime. DSDLCURVE processes only one file at a time either for the small or for the large FOV. For a selected time period and "discovery scalars", DSDLCURVE accumulates data every 25 degrees scan angle during times when the source is in the experiment's field of view (FOV). The DSDLCURVE output contains count rate as a function of scan angles. The DSDDISK data are available from the HEASARC HEAO1 ftp area


equinox [real]
The equinox of the input sky position (default value 1950)

ra [character string]
The source R.A. given in hh mm ss.s or degrees.

dec [character string]
The source Dec. given in dd mm ss.s or degrees.

infile [character string]
The DSDISK raw data file. The file will be either for the 1.5 x 3.0 degree FOV or the 3.0 x 3.0 degree FOV.

rootname [character string]
The rootname for the generated scan file.

beta [real]
Used to determine the number of days of data to be utilized. For a source in the ecliptic plane, the program will accumulate data for roughly BETA*5.7 days centered on the day of the peak response of the source. The default BETA=0.6 provides the optimum amount of data for weak sources.

daily_effic [boolean]
Logical flag to indicate whether to weight data by daily efficiency (yes/no). If "no" the data will be weighted equally for every observing day (this is recommended for strong sources > 5 Uhuru Flux Units). If "yes" the data is weighted by the daily effective response of the source.

ivwoff [integer]
Indicates which scan period to use.

                          "0" 1st 6 month scan of the experiment 
                              (day 232.1 - day 454.9).
                          "1" 2nd 6 month scan of the experiment 
                              (day 400.1 - day 614.6).   
                          "2" 3rd 6 month scan of the experiment  
                              (day ? - day 737.1).

iclwt1 [integer]
Options for setting up the weight values for discovery scalars :

                 0 use default values for total rate
                 1 use default values for hard rate
                 2 use default values for soft rate
                 3 use default values for R15 rate
                 4 use default values for WTD R15 rate
                 5 use default values for MED M1 rate
                 6 to enter values from keyboard

It is strongly advised that the user choose the pre-defined values for the desired option (these values are tabulated in the appendix of the HEAO1 data analysis User Guide and are provided on the HEAO1 Software WWW page). If the user chooses option 6 to enter values from the keyboard the program will prompt for the Discovery Scalar mode, and the weights for each color. If options 0-5 are chosen these parameters are skipped.

sc_mode [integer]
Discovery scalar mode. The settings of the discovery scalars changed during the HEAO-1 mission. Each setting for the discovery scalars is a mode. There were a total of 6 modes.

               MODE 1: HD3 M1,M2,-,-     MED M1,-,-,-
               MODE 2: HD3 M1,M2,-,-     MED M1,M2,-,-
               MODE 3: HD3 M1,M2,-,-     MED 1ACD,1B,2A,2B
               MODE 4: HD3 1AD,1B,1C,M2  MED 1ACD,1B,2A,2B
               MODE 5: HD3 1A,1B,1CD,M2  MED 1ACD,1B,2A,2B
               MODE 6: HD3 1A,1B,1CD,M2  MED 1A,1B,1CD,M2

Each mode possesses up to 8 colors. Weights may be applied to the colors as desired. You should choose the weights such that each mode produces approximately the same summed rate.

sc_wt1 [real]
Weighting value for the 1st color of the selected mode.

sc_wt2 [real]
Weighting value for the 2nd color.

sc_wt3 [real]
Weighting value for the 3rd color.

sc_wt4 [real]
Weighting value for the 4th color.

sc_wt5 [real]
Weighting value for the 5th color.

sc_wt6 [real]
Weighting value for the 6th color.

sc_wt7 [real]
Weighting value for the 7th color.

sc_wt8 [real]
Weighting value for the 8th color.

Logical flag to indicate whether to use the default detector (data) selection (yes/no). Default detector selection is usually combined MED and HD3 detectors. If "no" the user can select the detector i.e. MED or HD3 or COMBINED, otherwise the parameter is skipped.

det_no [integer]
Select the desired detector i.e. MED or HD3 or COMBINED

anti_coeff [boolean]
Logical flag to indicate whether to change the anti-coincidence coefficient (yes/no). The coefficient is used to correct the rates by an amount proportional to the anti-coincidence rate; it is used to "flatten out" the background data. If "no" a default coefficient is used and the parameters for the mode and weight of the anti-coincidence coefficent is skipped.

anti_mode [real]
Discovery scalar mode for which to apply the anti-coincidence coeff weighting.

Weighting value for the anti-coincidence coefficient.

(tchat = 10) [integer]
Flag to indicate how chatty the task is at execution. A value of 10 is the default, with lower/higher values producing quieter/verbose output respectively. This is for TERMINAL chattiness.

(lchat = 10) [integer]
Same as above but for the level of chatiness to the output log file.

(clobber=no) [boolean]
Flag to overwrite light curve if it already exists.

(mode = "ql") [character string]


None known


Aug99 ftools.heao1