

aberrator infile=<filename>


This tool applies velocity aberration adjustments to attitude files. The input file must be referred to inertial coordinates; the output file will be adjusted to apparent coordinates. Use this task if your attitude file was produced by a spacecraft that uses inertial tracking (i.e. points at the unaberrated target position), and wish to know the attitude relative to the apparent positions of stars.

aberrator modifies the ATTITUDE extension of the input file. It saves a copy of the original POINTING column in POINTING_INERTIAL and sets the values in the POINTING column to the apparent RA, Dec, and roll corresponding to the inertial attitude. It then recalculates the quaternion (QPARAM column) to match POINTING.


infile [filename]
Name of attitude file to adjust.

orbfile [filename]
Name of satellite orbit file. This file is only used if the satvel parameter is true.

alignfile [filename]
Calibration file giving conversion from spacecraft body frame to attitude library convention.

earthvel = yes [boolean]
Include earth about sun velocity in adjustment.

satvel = yes [boolean]
Include satellite about earth velocity in adjustment. The velocity information is taken from the orbfile parameter.

attcol = "POINTING" [string]
Input attitude column name. Must be either "POINTING" or "QPARAM".

orbext = "PREFILTER" [string]
Name of orbit file extension to read. This extension should be an orbit file generated by the prefilter task (or equivalent).

(history = yes) [boolean]
Write parameter history?

(chatter = 1) [enumerated integer]
Standard HEAdas chatter parameter.


The following example illustrates running aberrator specifying the parameters on the command line

      aberrator infile=obssat.fits alignfile=align.fits \
				earthvel=yes satvel=no orbfile=NONE chatter=3




August 2012