HXDMKWAMSPEC (July 2008) suzaku.hxd HXDMKWAMSPEC (July 2008) NAME hxdmkwamspec -- extract spectra of HXD-WAM TRN data USAGE hxdmkwamspec input_name outroot tpu_board time_min time_max dt_cor DESCRIPTION This task creates a spectrum for each WAM detector from one WAM event fits file. The spectrum is extracted from Pulse Height (PH) data in the WAM TRN data for a finite good time interval(GTI) defined by time_min and time_max. The dead-time correction is selectable with an option of "dt_cor". PARAMETERS (read_iomode = readonly) HXD WAM fits input I/O mode -- Always readonly (time_change = y) HXD WAM fits update TIME : y or n (pi_change = n) HXD WAM fits update PI : y or n (quality_change = y) HXD WAM fits update GRADE : y or n (gtimode = y) HXD WAM fits using GTI : y or n (gti_time = S_TIME) HXD WAM fits using time : TIME or S_TIME input_name [filename] HXD WAM event fits file name. outroot [filename] Root name for output file. tpu_board = -1 HXD WAM detector number (-1=all, 0, 1, 2, 3). time_min Starting astetime for summation. time_max Ending astetime for summation. dt_cor = yes Perform a deadtime correction?: yes or no. (dt_clk = 12.8e-6) Deadtime clock period. The default value of the WAM analog electronics is set at 12.8 micro-seconds. (num_event = -1) number of event (-1=all, 0=exit) (event_freq = 10000) Event number printout frequency (anl_verbose = -1) ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum) (anl_profile = yes) Enable ANL module profiling (chatter = 2) Message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max) EXAMPLES 1 Extract the deadtime-corrected WAM spectra for all the WAM detectors from the WAM event files named "ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_wam.uff" for a finite time interval of 146689200 to 146691000. % hxdmkwamspec input_name="ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_wam.uff" \ outroot="ae20040824_1853_1959" tpu_board=-1 time_min=146689200\ time_max=146691000 dt_cor=yes BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHOR Kazutaka Yamaoka (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), Yukikatsu TERADA (Saitama Univ.), and the HXD-WAM team, suzaku-wam@astro.isas.jaxa.jp. LAST MODIFIED July 2008