uvotskycorr - attempt to aspect correct UVOT sky images


uvotskycorr skyfile=<filename>


This tool iterates over UVOT image files attempting to determine or applying aspect corrections.


what [string] (ID|SKY)
Whether to find corrections (what=ID) or apply corrections (what=SKY).

skyfile [filename]
Name of input image file(s). This can be a comma-delimited list of file names or @<file> where <file> contains the names of the files to process, one per line.

corrfile [filename]
Input corrections file for what=SKY.

attfile [filename]
Input attitude file.

outfile [filename]
Output file name. For what=ID, the aspect corrections will be written to this file.

(starid = NONE) [string]
Parameters to pass to star identification. This parameter value is merged with default settings to derive the aspcorr sub-task starid parameter value. The starid value format is a space delimited string made up of name=value elements which aspcorr and tristarid understand.

(catspec = usnob1.spec) [filename]
Catalog descriptor file(s). A comma-delimited list allows specifying multiple catalog descriptors which will be used left to right.

(options = NONE) [string]
Options for aspect correction processing. This is a comma-delimited list of keywords. The keyword INTERPOLATE causes otherwise uncorrected images to have corrections interpolated/extrapolated from adjacent images in the same snapshot with known corrections. The keyword FORCE causes existing ASPCORR keyword values to be ignored when applying corrections.

(detopt = NONE) [string]
Options for source detection. This parameter value is merged with default settings to derive the uvotdetect sub-task parameter values. The detopt value format is a space delimited string made up of name=value elements which uvotdetect understands.

(cleanup = yes) [boolean]
Remove intermediate files?

(history = yes) [boolean]
Write history keywords?

(clobber = no) [boolean]
Overwrite existing files?

(chatter = 1) [enumerated integer]
Standard HEAdas chatter parameter.


The following examples illustrate running uvotskycorr

1. run uvotskycorr to find corrections

      uvotskycorr what=ID infile=usk.img

2. run uvotskycorr to find corrections providing star identification options

      uvotskycorr what=ID infile=usk.img starid='mag.min=13 min.matches=4'

3. run uvotskycorr to find corrections providing source detection options

      uvotskycorr what=ID infile=usk.img detopt='coinfile=NONE sensfile=NONE'


tristarid aspcorr catspec uvotdetect


May 2013