NICER Specific Tasks

niextspect - extract standard NICER spectrum from event file
nicercal - Apply standard calibration to NICER observation
niscorpeon - NICER SCORPEON background modeling tools
niprefilter2 - create augmented NICER-specific filter file
nigti - create NICER GTI from time list
nivignette - Calculate NICER vignette profile for target position
niprefilter - create NICER-specific filter file
niswbkglc - estimate NICER Space Weather background light curve
nispaceweather - NICER space weather background modeling tools
niswbkgspect - estimate NICER Space Weather background spectrum
nimpumerge - Merge NICER event data from multiple MPUs (or observations)
niphaquality - apply QUALITY markers to NICER spectrum
niextlc - extract standard NICER light curve from event file
nicerl3-lc - NICER full standard light curve analysis chain
nifpmsel - screen NICER event data by FPM (detector)
nicertimeconv - Basic time conversion for NICER time values
nicertimecal - apply clock calibration to NICER event file
nimpucal - Apply standard NICER calibration to MPU data
niobsmerge - merge NICER observation products
nicerl3-spect - NICER full standard spectral analysis chain
nigeodown - download and install geomagnetic quantities
nitargdet - Calculate target position in NICER instrument coordinates
niextract-events - Fast event filtering, similar to extractor
nimkfmerge - merge NICER filter files (combine .mkf)
niphasyserr - apply NICER spectral systematic error vector
nicermergeclean - Merge NICER MPU data and apply standard screening
niautoscreen - perform standard NICER per-FPM and per-MPU screening
nicerrmf - calculate NICER response (RMF or RSP)
nicaldbver - Report NICER Calibration Database (CALDB) version
nicerl2 - Apply NICER Level2 standard calibration and filtering
nibackgen3C50 - Generate 3C50 estimate of NICER background spectrum
niexposum - display NICER per-detector exposure
nicerpi - apply gain calibration to NICER event file (calculate Energy/PI)
nimaketime - Create standard NICER screening GTI
nicerversion - Report NICER software version
nicerarf - calculate NICER effective area (ARF)
nicerclean - Apply standard NICER screening
niprescreen - perform prescreening of NICER data
niscorplc - estimate NICER SCORPEON background model for light curves
niscorpspect - estimate NICER SCORPEON background file for spectra
niscorpspectmod - estimate NICER SCORPEON background model for spectra
nihaloem - estimate Galactic Halo & Local Hot Bubble emission
niprelflaregti - estimate GTI of PREL flares
niprelflarecalc - calculate precipitating electron flaring index


