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ASCA Weekly
Dear ASCA Users:
I am sending an ASCA observation schedule for the period of April 13-26.
At present, the ASCA observation schedule is running about two and a half days
behind the long term timeline. In the following two weeks, whole GO
observations, scheduled in the long term timeline, will be allocated in the
short term timelines and will be announced. Note however that some of the
Priority-C targets allocated in late April or early May will be slipped to the
AO2 period.
Fumiaki Nagase
April 13 - 26 1994:
(ISAS contact scientist: T. Dotani, dotani@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC PI (or PPI)
4/13 12:30 HD159181 Star 30 USJ 2/n A. Brown
4/14 4:20 CL1358+6245 CG 40 USJ 2/n M. Bautz
4/15 2:20 A1704 CG 30 JPN 2/n J. Hughes
4/15 20:00 NGC 3690 Gal. 40 JPN 1/n H. Watarai
4/16 20:00 3C 219 AGN 20 US 2/n R. Cohen
4/17 9:00 NGC 3310 Gal. 20 JPN 2/n H. Kunieda
4/17 20:30 W UMa Star 20 JPN 2/n K. Makishima
4/18 9:00 3C 382 AGN 40 JPN 2/n R. Mushotzky
4/19 12:10 SS 433 (No. 4) Bin. 10 JPN 1/Y N. Kawai
4/19 18:30 3C 396 SNR 40 JPN 2/n H. Tsunemi
4/20 23:20 SS 433 (No. 5) Bin. 10 JPN 1/Y N. Kawai
4/21 10:30 3C 391 SNR 40 JPN 2/n H. Tsunemi
4/22 15:20 SS 433 (No. 6) Bin. 10 JPN 1/Y N. Kawai
4/22 21:40 W44 No. 1 SNR 20 JUS 1/n Murakami/Hughes
4/23 15:10 W44 No. 2 SNR 20 JUS 1/n Murakami/Hughes
4/24 4:00 V1223 SGR CV 60 JPN 2/n J. Osborne
4/25 23:00 LMC X-4 Bin. 30 JUS 2/Y Nagase/Vrtilek
4/26 14:00 LMC X-4 Bin. 20 JUS 2/Y Nagase/Clark
(4/26 21:20 to next target)