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ASCA Weekly
Dear ASCA users:
I am sending an ASCA observation schedule for the period of July 16
to July 29. In this period we have allocated two big projects;
one Jupiter-SL9 encounter, the other 200 ksec continual observation of
Five segments of Jupiter observation are as follow,
PT1; persistent background,
PT2; CL9 & D18,
PT3; G15 & H14,
PT4; L11,
PT5; Q2, Q1 & R6,
some events among these may not be observable due to SAA passages or
the Earth occultations at the time of encounter.
The observation of PKS1209-52, PT2 (PI: R. Petre) was shifted half
a day from the previous schedule. At the end of this week we allocated
80 ksec observation of Cas A for calibrating the history of change of
the SIS CTI, two pointing for each chip of SIS, each 10 ks
(i.e., 2x4x10 ksec = 80 ksec).
F. Nagase
July 16 - 29, 1994:
(ISAS contact scientist: M. Itoh mitsuda@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation PI or
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC ( PPI/Co-PI)
7/16 5:00 Jupiter, PT1 Star 10 JPN 1/Y Terada/Oya
7/16 12:10 PKS1209-52, PT2 SNR 20 US 1/n R. Petre
7/17 4:50 Jupiter, PT2 Star 12 JPN 1/Y Terada/Oya
7/17 13:50 MS 1426.4+0158 CG 20 US 1/n J. Henry
7/18 6:30 Jupiter, PT3 Star 20 JPN 1/Y Terada/Oya
7/18 22:30 E1455, PT1 CG 30 JPN 2/n A. Fabian
7/19 18:50 Jupiter, PT4 Star 11 JPN 1/Y Terada/Oya
7/20 1:40 A 1835, PT1 CG 20 JPN 2/n A. Fabian
7/20 17:10 Jupiter, PT5 Star 27 JPN 1/Y Terada/Oya
7/21 9:30 A 1835, PT2 CG 20 JPN 2/n A. Fabian
7/21 22:20 E 1455, PT2 CG 10 JPN 2/n A. Fabian
7/22 4:40 IRAS 15307+325 AGN 40 JPN 2/n H. Inoue
7/23 4:10 MCG-6-30-15 AGN 200 JPN 1/n H. Inoue
7/27 22:00 Cas A SNR 80 MOT Cal ASCA/SIS team
(7/29 21:40 to next target)
(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration,
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration, MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan),
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US), ESJ: ESA-Japan Program,
MOT: Manager's observatory time