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ASCA weekly

Dear ASCA users:

I am sending ASCA observation schedule for the period of September
6-17.  We allocate a 10-ks supplemental observation for incomplete
AO-1 observation of W28.

Sometime ago I was recommended by R. Mushotsky, a member of ASCA
Scientific Advisor's group, to confirm low energy response of SIS sensors
by using the observation of 3C58. In this week we have allocated a 30-ks
guest observation of 3C58 (PPI; Torii, Co-PI; Slane). They are observing
the source by 1CCD mode with nominal chip. To calibrate other three
chips in each SIS sensor, I have added 60-ks calibration observation for the 
source. Dr. H. Tsunemi, a leader of the project and a core member of the SIS
team, is willing to offer their data for SIS low energy calibration.
I will ask him to organize a task team for SIS low energy response confirmation
using both the GO and Cal data of 3C58, including K. Mitsuda, T. Dotani and a
few SIS team members as well R. Mushotsky, K. Torii and P. Slane in the team.

F. Nagase

September 6 - 17,   1995;     	
(ISAS contact scientist:  K. ASAI  asai@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date	MNV	Target 		Tag. 	Exp.	Observation	PI or 
	start	name  		Cat.	(ks)	Cat.  Pri./TC	 (PPI/Co-PI)
9/ 6	 9:40	MSH 15-56	SNR	60	MUJ	2/n	P. Pluchinsky
								  / E. Miyata
9/ 8	 3:20	GX339-4		Bin.	40	JUS	1/n	Y. Tanaka

9/ 9	 8:00	G.Long. 345.8	SNR	30	JPN	3/n	K. Makishima

9/10	 7:30	G. Long. 325.1	SNR	30	JPN	3/n	K. Makishima

9/11	 6:20	W28 (AO1-suppl)	SNR	10	JUS	1/n	H. Murakami

9/11	13:50	Maffei-1	Gal.	40	JPN	2/n	K. Makishima

9/12	14:10	3C58		SNR	30	MJU	2/n	Trii / Slane

9/13	 7:50	3C58 CAL	SNR	60	MOT	1/n	ASCA-team

9/14	14:00	Dwingello-1	Gal.	40	JPN	2/n	K. Makishima

9/15	14:00	PKS0521-365 #1	AGN	10	ESJ	1/n	B. McBreen

9/15	20:20	HD283572	Star	30	USJ	2/n	F. Walter

9/16	15:20	V773 Tau	Star	40	JPN	2/n	S. Skinner

(9/17	15:20	to next target)

(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration, 
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration,  MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan), 
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US),  ESJ: ESA-Japan Program, 
MOT: Manager's observatory time