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ASCA weekly

Dear ASCA users;

We have decided to observe Cyg X-1 as TOO of ASCA during the high state
currently undergoing. The observation is made on May 30 by using the span 
once allocated for NGC 4258 pointing No. 2 (JPN Pri-B, PI; Y. Ishisaki). 
The third pointing of NGC 4258 currently allocated on June 5 is replace 
to the second pointing and the third pointing of NGC 4258 will be shifted 
either to the late June or to the next window  in fall. This change does 
not arise any impact to the observation time of other targets allocated 
in this week as seen below.

F. Nagase

May  21 - June 2	 ver-3 (revised 96/05/24)
(ISAS contact scientist:  T. TAKAHASHI 	takahasi@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date	MNV	Target 		Tag. 	Exp.	Observation	PI or 
	start	name  		Cat.	(ks)	Cat.  Pri./TC	 ( PPI/Co-PI)
5/21	 1:50	0103-72.6 #1	SNR	40	JPN	1/n	I. Hayashi

5/22  	 0:20	PKS 2155-304 #1	AGN	10	USJ	1/Y	J.G. Stacy

5/22	 6:30	0103-72.6 #2	SNR	40	JPN	1/n	I. Hayashi

5/23	 6:30	NGC 4258 #1	Gal. 	34	JPN	2/n	Y. Ishisaki

5/24	 3:20	PKS 2155-304 #2	AGN	10	USJ	1/Y	J.G. Stacy

5/24	 9:30	LMC X-4		Bin.	50	USJ	1/Y	S. Vrtilek

5/26	 0:10	Mr 2251-178 #1	AGN	20	JPN	2/Y	C. Otani

5/26	16:00	PKS 2155-304 #3	AGN	10	USJ	1/Y	J.G. Stacy

5/26	22:20	NGC 3607/3608	Gal.	80	JPN	2/n	N. Arimoto

5/29	 5:50	MS 1147.3+1103	CG	30	MUJ	1/n	J. Henry
								/T. Tsuru
5/30	 5:50	Cyg X-1		Bin. 	33	JPN	TOO	F. Nagase
								/ASCA team
5/31	 3:20	HE 1104-1805	AGN	40	US	1/n	J. Bechtold

6/ 1	 9:00	PKS 2251+113	AGN	30	US	1/n	S. Mathur

(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration, 
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration,  MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan), 
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US),  ESJ: ESA-Japan Program, 
MOT: Manager's observatory time (Calibration and maintenance)