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ASCA weekly

Dear ASCA users,

We have accepted TOO requests by Y. Tanaka and T. Dotani for observing
the black hole candidate 4U1630-472 during the period near the outburst peak.
We merge the two proposals and PI/CoIs are assigned as follow;
	PPI:	Y. Tanaka (MPE)
	CoPI:	T. Dotani (ISAS)
	CoIs:	W. Voges (MPE),  E. Kuulkers (Oxford Uni.)
I will add later a few further CoIs from ASCA operation team members.  The
observation is allocated on February 25. Galactic ridge sueveys 12-7 to 12-10
are shifted to the next week.

F. Nagase

February  20 - March 2,  1998,		ver-3   (98/ 2/19)
(ISAS contact scientist: 	H. HONDA	(honda@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date	MNV	Target 		Tag. 	Exp.	Observation	PI or 
	start	name  		Cat.	(ks)	Cat.  Pri./TC	 ( PPI/Co-PI)
2/20	14:50	Abell 2187	CG	60	JPN 	2/n	H. Tomida

2/22	 0:40	AK Her S1	Star	18.2	ESJ	2/n	J. Pye
						(AO-5 Supplement)
2/22	14:40	L1582B		Star	50	JUS	1/n	K. Koyama

2/24	 3:10	Gal. Ridge12 #1	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/24	10:10	Gal. Ridge12 #2	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/24	19:00	Gal. Ridge12 #3	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/25	 0:20	Algol #1	Star	24	ESJ	1/n	J. Schmitt

2/25	17:20	4U 1630-472	Bin.	40	TOO	1/Y	Y. Tanaka
								/T. Dotani
2/26	21:10	Gal. Ridge12 #4	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/27	 4:20	Gal. Ridge12 #5	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/27	14:10	Gal. Ridge12 #6	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/27	21:00	Algol #2	Star	24	ESJ	1/n	J. Schmitt

2/28	14:00	HH212		Star	30	JPN	1/n	Y. Tsuboi

3/ 1	10:40	HH91		Star	30	JPN	1/n	Y. Tsuboi

3/ 2	 6:00	G311.5-0.3	SNR	20	USJ	1/n	J. Hughes

( 3/ 2	 22:10,   MNV to next target)

(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration, 
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration,  MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan), 
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US),  ESJ: ESA-Japan Program, 
OT: Observatory Time (Calibration, maintenance and TOO)