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ASCA Weekly from Prof. Nagase (listserv problem, resending)
Dear ASCA users,
Four slots of Galactic zero-longitude observations by Maeda that was
once planned to be start on April 12 was shifted after April 17. Instead,
we have installed the observation of NGC 3516 in the interval of April
12 to 17, although the moon constraint of the source during the time
is somehow severe. Feasibility of this observation during the bad STT
condition has been specially studied and confirmed, since this is a big
coordinated project planned to be observed simultaneously with HST
and RXTE. Re-observation of the AO-5 target SGR 1900+14 is scheduled
in this week. This source was once planned to be observed in the last fall,
but the pointing to the source was failed by mistake.
F. Nagase
April 12 - 23, 1998, ver-1 (98/ 3/ 2)
(ISAS contact scientist: K. MITSUDA (mitsuda@phys.metro-u.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation PI or
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC ( PPI/Co-PI)
4/12 21:50 NGC 3516 AGN 200 MUJ 1/n K. Nandra
4/17 5:10 0deg, -11.5deg Gal. 20 JUS 1/n Y. Maeda
4/17 21:30 0deg, -13.5deg Gal. 20 JUS 1/n Y. Maeda
4/18 13:00 0deg, -15.5deg Gal. 20 JUS 1/n Y. Maeda
4/19 2:20 0deg, -17.5deg Gal. 20 JUS 1/n Y. Maeda
4/19 18:00 A 851 CG 40 JPN 2/n Y. Tanaka
4/20 19:10 SGR 1900+14 SNR 80 USJ 2/n K. Hurley
(AO-5 Re-observation)
(4/23 1:50, MNV to next target)
(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration,
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration, MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan),
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US), ESJ: ESA-Japan Program,
OT: Observatory Time (Calibration, maintenance and TOO)