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ASCA weekly

Dear ASCA users,

Please find below the ASCA observation schedule for the period of
February 20 to March 3. The reduced exposure of MS 0302+1717
due to the TOO observation of GRB990123 on January 25 is 
supplemented in this week on February 20. 

F. Nagase
#05: February  20 - March 3, 1999			ver-1   (99/ 1/27)
(ISAS contact scientist: 	T. TAMURA	(ttamura@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date	MNV	Target 		Tag. 	Exp.	Observation	PI or 
	start	name 		Cat.	(ks)	Cat.  Pri./TC	 ( PPI/Co-PI)
2/20	22:20 	MS 0302+1717	CG	35	US	1/n	M. Donahue

2/21	20:00	Gal.Ridge_16 N1	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/22	 7:10	Gal.Ridge_16 N2	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/22	14:10	Gal.Ridge_16 N3	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/22	18:50	Gal.Ridge_16 N4	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/23	 2:40	Gal.Ridge_16 N5	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/23	12:10	Gal.Ridge_16 N6	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/23	17:00	Gal. idge_16 N7	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/23	23:30	Gal.Ridge_16 N8	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/24	10:20	Gal.Ridge_16 N9	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/24	15:10	Gal.Ridge_16N10	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/24	19:50	Gal.Ridge_16N11	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/25	 7:00	Gal.Ridge_16N12	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/25	13:30	Gal.Ridge_16N13	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/25	18:20	Gal.Ridge_16N14	SNR	10	JPN	1/n	S. Yamauchi

2/26	 4:00	GX 339-4 N1	Bin.	20	MJU	2/n	H. Negoro
2/26	16:30	SGR 1627-41	SNR	80	MUJ	1/n	K. Hurley
								/T. Murakami
2/28	19:20	NGC 1685	AGN	40	MUJ	1/n	E. Moran
3/ 2	 2:40	PMN 0525-3343	AGN	40	ESJ	1/n	A. Fabian

(3/ 3	 7:20   MNV to next target)

(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration, 
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration,  MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan), 
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US),  ESJ: ESA-Japan Program, 
MOT: Observatory Time (Calibration, maintenance), 
and TOO: Target of Opportunity