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Meeting reminders/HEASARC e-mail transition
29 Apr 2008
1) Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era
2) Urbino High Energy Astrophysics Summer School
3) HEASARCNews E-mail Address Migration
1) Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era
We remind our readers that the Chandra X-ray Center will be hosting a
Science Workshop
Radio Galaxies in the Chandra Era from
8-11 July, 2008
in Cambridge, MA at the Harvard Student Organization Center at Hilles,
just across Garden Street from the CfA.
Please access the workshop webpage
for details including a list of Invited Speakers, a form for
registration/abstract submission, and information about
Wednesday April 30, 2008
registration and abstract submission for contributed talks and poster
Wednesday May 21, 2008
final registration/submission, for poster presentations only
2) Urbino High Energy Astrophysics Summer School
Deadline for application: May 9
3) ***** HEASARCNews E-mail Address Migration
We apologize for the multiple emails you may receive; NASA is
consolidating to a single email list system. The HEASARC News email
exploder will soon migrate over to the new NASA list manager. The
online subscription form will still work, but if you have spam
filtering in place the emails will now be coming from:
So please add that or *lists.nasa.gov to your allow list if needed.
Also, with the changeover you will receive a confirmation email which
includes details on how to unsubscribe or change your address in the
new system.
All of our current email news lists are being migrated, and you may
receive multiple requests to resubscribe to the different lists that
you are on.
One advantage of the new system is that for a single email address,
you will be able to manage/update many of the NASA lists that you are on.
If you are subscribed under multiple email addresses for different
lists (e.g., "name@univ.edu" and "name@astro.univ.edu") you may want
to unsubscribe and resubscribe to use just one address. (This will
help for the monthly confirmations that will be sent out.) The
mailing list software will send you more directions after you confirm
your subscription.
A service of the
High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)
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