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Suzaku News #025: Release of AO-2 target list

We are pleased to announce the release of the Suzaku AO-2 target list,
for observations during the period April 2007 through March 2008.  We
have posted the same list both at ISAS/JAXA and NASA/GSFC:


These are the targets selected after the national reviews and the
international merging meeting.  Observations of priority A and B
targets will be scheduled during the AO-2 period, but will be carried
over to the subsequent periods if they cannot be completed by March
2008.  Any untriggered targets of opportunity are an important
exception.  Priority C targets will be observed as time permits during
the AO-2 period, and will not be carried over.

A service of the U.S. Suzaku Guest Observer Facility, NASA/GSFC.

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