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Suzaku News #041: Suzaku X-ray Universe - Final Program
The Suzaku X-ray Universe
December 10-12, 2007
Catamaran Resort Hotel, San Diego, CA
========= Final announcement =========
1. Final program
The final program is soon to be posted on the Web page at:
In this conference, we have assigned many invited papers so that very few
slots are available for contributed papers unfortunately. Among many
candidates suggested by SOC members, finally the 15-minute talks are shown
in the final program. Though there are many good contributed papers, most
of papers are assigned to poster papers and some to the thesis marathon
(poster + 5 minutes oral presentation).
2. Poster papers
The poster room can accommodate 80 posters. The ~125 posters will
therefore be displayed in two sessions, with a switch over around lunch
time on the second day of the conference. Each poster space is about 1.2 m
x 1.2 m (4'x4').
3. Oral presentations
We strongly prefer that slides for oral presentations be loaded ahead of
time onto conference computers via memory stick. This avoids potential
incompatibility issues with the projector. We will make available both a
Mac and a PC.
See you soon at San Diego!
Rob Petre and Hideyo Kunieda
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