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Suzaku News #048: suzakunews e-mail exploder

May 08, 2008

*****  Suzaku News E-mail migration II

If you have already successfully subscribed to the new list, you may
delete this message. We apologize for the extra email.

Last week we sent out a message and invitation asking you to migrate
to the new NASA list system. Many people had problems resubscribing
with an updated email address.

If you would like to subscribe to this list you can do so at:


If you would like to subscribe to several of Goddard's High Energy
Astrophysics exploders, including suzakunews, you can do so at:


* N.B. On the news.html page, please only check one box at a time and
  use your browsers back button to subscribe to the next list.

If you have any questions or problems, please email Michael Arida via
our on-line feedback form.


A service of the U.S. Suzaku Guest Observer Facility, NASA/GSFC.

Please do not reply to this message.
Questions or comments should go to: