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asca timeline...

Dear ASCA Team Members/ASCA Users:

Cyg X-1 once allocated on October 20 was shifted to the first week of November, 
and instead in the span,  a 40-ks observation of SGR1806-20 (AO1/JPN,  Murakami
was installed.

As the 6 times observations of SS433 (each 10 ks) are all requested to be 
performed at specially defined phases of the binary,  we have rearranged the 
observation plan after October 26 as follow.

F. Nagase and the ASCA operation crew

A S C A    Weekly  Observation  Plan
Date	MNV start 	Target to 		Exposure	comments
 	time (UT)	be pointed		time (ksec)	
October 26 - November 3  1993.
10/26	15:50		WR 140 (Star)		20 ks		AO1/US,  Pollock

10/27	 6:30		SS 433 (Binary) No. 1	10 ks		AO1/JPN,  Kawai

10/27	14:20		Cyg A (AGN)  		40 ks		PV

10/28	14:20		SS 433 (Binary) No. 2	10 ks		AO1/JPN,  Kawai

10/29	 1:30		S5 0014-813 (AGN)	40 ks		AO1/JUS,  Matsuoka

10/29	20:40		SS 433 (Binary) No. 3	10 ks		AO1/JPN,  Kawai

10/30	 4:40		PKS 0548-322 (AGN)	40 ks		PV

10/31	 7:30		SS 433 (Binary) No. 4	10 ks		AO1/JPN,  Kawai

10/31	15:40		NGC6814/ROSAT-CV	40 ks		PV

11/01	22:20		SS 433 (Binary) No. 5	10 ks		AO1/JPN, Kawai

11/02	 6:00		A586 (Cl. Gal.)		20 ks		AO1/JPN,  Hughes

11/02	22:20		SS 433 (Binary) No. 6	10 ks		AO1/JPN,  Kawai

(11/03   4:40)		(to next target)