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ASCA Weekly
Dear ASCA Users:
I am sending ASCA observation schedule for the week February 13-23.
The targets allocated on February 13-15 in the previous weekly schedule
are shifted about a day and GX 301-2 is installed on February 13 when the
binary phase of the source fits better with the requested phase.
F. Nagase
February 13 - 23, 1994:
(ISAS contact scientist: K. Mitsuda, mitsuda@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC PI (or PPI)
2/13 10:30 GX 301-2 Bin. 40 JUS 2/n A.Yoshida/Pravdo
2/14 5:40 PKS 1404-267 CG 40 JPN 2/n A. Fabian
2/15 4:30 IC 4296 Gal. 40 JPN 2/n H. Matsumoto
2/16 1:10 AO0235+164(No3) AGN 10 USJ 1/Y Madejski/Takahashi
2/16 9:20 NGC 1614 Gal. 40 JUS 1/n Watarai/Gruber
2/17 15:10 3C 120 AGN 50 USJ 1/n P. Grandi
2/19 4:20 AO0235+164(No4) AGN 10 USJ 1/Y Madejski/Takahashi
2/19 13:20 A 2029 CG 43 US 2/n C. Sarazin
2/20 18:30 A 2142 (Center) CG 20 JUS 1/n Butcher/Jones
2/21 9:00 A 2142 (Off) CG 20 JUS 1/n Butcher/Jones
2/21 21:50 Mkn 841 AGN 20 US 2/n I. George
2/22 15:30 A 2063 CG 20 JPN 1/n I. Hatsukade
(2/23 5:40 to next target)