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Dear ASCA Users:
We are still working to establish the long-term timeline for ASCA AO2
targets. According the tentative timeline we have at present, we start
observations for AO2 targets. The AO1 target SN1987A was swapped with
Mkn 421 as it is a requested coordinated observation. Gamma Vel is a phase
critical targets, and PKS 2155-304 and Cygnus X-3 are the targets of
coordinated observations.
F. Nagase
May 16-29, 1994:
(ISAS contact scientist: T. Kii, kii@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation PI or
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC ( PPI/Co-PI)
5/16 10:00 Mkn 421 (P1+P2) AGN 40 JPN 2/Y T. Takahashi
5/17 8:10 Gamma Vel (P1) Star 20 USJm 1Y Corcoran/Skinner
5/18 1:50 SN1987A SNR 40 JPN 1/n M. Itoh (AO1)
5/19 4:30 PKS 2155-304 AGN 100 JPN 2/Y T. Kii
5/21 8:00 A1204 CG 40 JPN 2/n S. Miyoshi
5/22 11:20 K416 Gal. 40 ESJ 1/n R. Rampazzo
5/23 12:30 MS1248.7+5706 AGN 40 US 1/n M. Elvis
5/24 12:20 HD 129333 Star 20 USJ 1/n E. Guinan
5/25 1:10 Gamma Vel (P2) Star 20 USJm 1Y Corcoran/Skinner
5/25 17:30 NGC 4449 Gal. 50 USJ 1/n R. Griffiths
5/27 2:40 MS 1224.7+2007 CG 20 US 1/n J. Henry
5/27 17:00 NGC 4382 Gal. 40 JUSm 1/n H.Matsumoto/Fabbiano
5/28 19:00 Cygnus X-3 Bin. 40 JUS 2/Y S. Kitamoto
(5/29 20:30 to next target)
(Note) Obs. Cat.==> JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration,
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration, JUSm: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan),
USJm: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US), ESJ: ESA-Japan Program