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ASCA targets from AO-1 and AO-2 that may be reproposed in AO-3
To clarify which ASCA targets may be reproposed in AO-3, the ASCA GOF has
extracted the following two lists from the current AO-2 timeline.
These unscheduled AO-1 observations were not scheduled in the AO-2 timeline
and will be dropped from the AO-3 timeline unless successfully reproposed.
They comprise Japanese and Japanese/US Priority-3 (C) targets. In principle,
however, there is a small chance that they could get observed in AO-2 if the
long-term timeline has to be changed for operational reasons.
81037000 CL1601+4253 CG 3 240.80 42.76 80.0 not sched JPN 0.1 IKEBE
81036000 40_FROM_NGC139 CG 3 54.14 -35.61 40.0 not sched JPN 0.1 IKEBE
81034000 HCG48 CG 3 159.44 -27.08 40.0 not sched JPN 0.7 SAKIMA
71054000 HS1946+7658 AGN 3 296.23 77.10 40.0 not sched JPN 0.15 MATSUOKA
71053000 2223+210 AGN 3 336.41 21.30 40.0 not sched JPN 0.12 KUNIEDA
71052000 PKS0215+015 AGN 3 34.45 1.75 40.0 not sched JPN 0.06 YAMASHIT
71051000 CIRCINUS_GALAX AGN 3 213.29 -65.34 40.0 not sched JPN 0.1 MAKISHIM
71050000 NGC5506 AGN 3 213.31 -3.21 40.0 not sched JPN 4.0 KUNIEDA
61023000 IC1613 GAL 3 16.00 2.12 40.0 not sched JPN 0.1 ISHISAKI
61022000 NGC1553 GAL 3 64.05 -55.79 40.0 not sched JPN 0.1 YAMAZAKI
51026000 CYGNUS_LOOP SNR 3 311.76 30.28 50.0 not sched JPN 9.0 MIYATA
51025000 G54.1+0.3 SNR 3 292.67 18.87 40.0 not sched JPN .036 KULKARNI
51024000 N49+N49B SNR 3 81.44 -66.03 20.0 not sched JPN 1.5 TAWARA
41020000 G1124-68 BIN 3 306.02 33.87 20.0 not sched JPN .013 OSBORNE
41019000 J0422+32 BIN 3 11.20 33.01 20.0 not sched JPN 0.03 OSBORNE
21035000 M_28 STAR 3 276.13 -24.87 40.0 not sched JUS 0.1 KAWAI
21032000 NGC6397 STAR 3 265.17 -53.67 40.0 not sched JPN .065 ISHIDA
21031000 NGC6539 STAR 3 271.21 -7.59 20.0 not sched JPN .625 ISHIDA
21030000 MR_SERPENTIS STAR 3 238.20 18.94 40.0 not sched JPN .062 ISHIDA
21029000 NGC7293 STAR 3 337.41 -20.84 40.0 not sched JPN 0.02 KAMATA
21028000 PSR1737-30 STAR 3 265.14 -30.26 20.0 not sched JPN .002 DOTANI
Additionally, these AO-2 observations were not scheduled in the AO-2 timeline
and will be dropped from the AO-3 timeline unless successfully reproposed. They
comprise Japanese, Japanese/US and ESA/Japanese Priority-3 (C) targets. There
is a small chance that they could actually get observed in AO-2 if the long-
term timeline has to be changed for operational reasons.
82039000 ACO_3556 CG 3 201.02 -31.65 20.0 not sched ESJ 0.44 STEWART
82035010 A2009 CG 3 225.08 21.37 25.0 not sched JPN 0.5 MARKEVIT
82035000 A2009 CG 3 225.08 21.37 25.0 not sched JPN 0.5 MARKEVIT
82025000 A2697 CG 3 0.80 -6.08 40.0 not sched JPN 0.16 YAMASHIT
82004000 S1101 CG 3 348.48 -42.73 40.0 not sched JPN 1.0 TAKAGISH
82003000 A2645 CG 3 355.31 -9.02 30.0 not sched JPN 0.11 HATSUKAD
72023000 IZW1 AGN 3 13.40 12.69 20.0 not sched ESJ .284 MEURS
72022000 MRK_501 AGN 3 253.47 39.76 20.0 not sched ESJ 5.0 COMASTRI
52016000 G32.1-0.9 SNR 3 283.24 -1.20 30.0 not sched ESJ 0.35 WATSON
52011000 3C58 SNR 3 31.41 64.83 40.0 not sched JUS 0.5 AOKI
22010000 YZ_CMI STAR 3 116.18 3.56 20.0 not sched ESJ 0.31 SERIO
22003000 DELTA_LIB STAR 3 225.24 -8.52 40.0 not sched JPN 0.3 ANTUNES