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Dear ASCA users,
After the first-pass operation on April 24 (06:52-07:03 UT), it was found
that ASCA was not pointed to the aimed target (4U 1907+09). In between the
1st and 2nd passes, next maneuver to M82 was done from the offset position
and thus it was a little amplifiered since the planned tracking stars were
not identified in the STT-A&-B tracking areas. In the following 3rd-5th
passes we determined current attitude and fixed the satellite pointing
direction to the current position, which was about 2 degree offset from M82.
In the last two days, we follow the history and investigated the cause of
this malfunction. Among the two suspicious reasons, i.e., some failure in
the star tracker system or malfunction in the Attitude Control Sytem (ACS),
e.g., degradation of currently operating gyroscopes, we got fairly confidence
that the latter is the case. At present we doubt degradation of the SLEW-2
gyro (we are now operating ASCA by the combination of X-, Y- and S2 gyros).
The clear identification and quantitative analysis of this trouble is now
undergoing by tracing the operation history and performing some test
operations during the contact passes of ASCA.
Meantime we cannot perform any large angle maneuver and moreover we need
especially careful operation for maneuver. It needs two step, i.e.,
coarse maneuver and fine tuning maneuver, operations, and for one maneuver
sequence we must use 4-5 passes. Hence, at present the change of attitude
is possible only during the contact passes at KSC.
We are now considering restructure of the ASCA ACS system at the time
when we complete analysis of the failure and confirm the procedure for
restructuring the ACS system. Tentatively we schedule the ACS restructure
operation during the period of May 8th to May 11th . If the SLEW-2 gyro is
really degraded, as we doubt now, we will replace it by a spare gyro.
Hence, I expect ASCA will return to its regular operation after May 11th.
The targets cancelled during this emergent operation will be reinstalled
either in this season or the next season half a year later.
I regret this inconvenience for all the ASCA observers. However, I wish to
take first priority importance to the safety maintenance of ASCA, meantime
till we fix the ACS system trouble and return to regular operation. I
hope those who have cancelled time critical targets will contact to
the persons concerned and negociate possible alternatives.
Thank you for your sympathetic cooperation.
Fumiaki Nagase
April 23 - May 11 EMERGENT OPERATION (96/04/26)
(ISAS contact scientist: )
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation PI or
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC ( PPI/Co-PI)
4/23 23:00 4U 1907+09 #1 Bin. 10 US 1/Y P. Michelson
(Blank-sky observation due to failure of pointing)
4/25 10:25 M82 #5 AGN 10 JPN 2/n T. Tsuru
4/26 ~4:00 (Coarse and Trim Maneuvers)
4/26 ~11:00 0806+20 CG 40 JPN 1/n K. Hashimotodani
4/27 ~5:00 (Coarse and Trim Maneuvers)
4/27 ~11:00 AR UMa CV 40 US 2/n P. Szkody
4/29 ~3:00 (Coarse and Trim Maneuvers)
4/29 ~9:00 Abell 697 CG 60 MJU 1/n S. Miyoshi
/J. Hughes
5/ 1 ~2:00 (Coarse and Trim Maneuvers)
5/ 1 ~8:00 Abell 990 CG 40 ESJ 1/n I. McHardy
5/ 3 ~1:00 (Coarse and Trim Maneuvers)
5/ 3 ~8:00 AD Leo Star 80 JUS 2/Y T. Watanabe
5/ 5 ~23:00 (Coarse and Trim Maneuvers)
5/ 6 ~6:00 PG 1114+445 AGN 50 US 1/n I. George
5/ 7 ~22:00 (Operation for Attitude Control System Restructure)
5/11 ~6:00 (Return to normal schedule)
(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration,
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration, MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan),
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US), ESJ: ESA-Japan Program,
MOT: Manager's observatory time (Calibration and maintenance)