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Dear ASCA users;
We accepted the TOO request by Y. Tanaka, J. Greisner and J. van Paradijs
to observe the X-ray afterglaw of the GRB970616. This gamma-ray burst was
detected by BASTE and the X-ray afterglaw was detected and the position
was confined to 0.5 degree with the RXTE PCA scanning.
This is the first TOO to which the new ASCA TOO rule is adopted and the data
belong to the PI (Y. Tanaka). I wish to assign T. Murakami, A. Yoshida and
N. Kawai to be CoIs from the ASCA operation team, assuming they will
cooperate to the PI by careing the observation and analysing the data quickly.
The target, TW Hya (MUJ, PPI: J. Kastner) is kicked out by this TOO, but
I will try to restall this target in the currently visible window since
this is a priority-A target.
At present a typhoon is aproaching to Kagoshima and it is expected to aproach
closest to KSC during tomorrow (July 20) KSC operations. If the wind is too
strong to operate the antenna we will stop whole the operation of the day,
regardless the targets are regularly scheduled ones or the TOO target.
F. Nagase
June 13 - 24, 1997 ver-2 (97/06/19)
(ISAS contact scientist: M. OZAKI (ozaki@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation PI or
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC ( PPI/Co-PI)
6/13 13:00 A 2537 CG 40 MUJ 1/n H. Ebeling
/T. Tamura
6/14 11:20 Virgo #7 CG 20 JPN 1/n T. Ohashi
6/15 4:20 Virgo #8 CG 20 JPN 1/n T. Ohashi
6/15 16:00 Virgo #9 CG 20 JPN 1/n T. Ohashi
6/16 6:20 Virgo #10 CG 20 JPN 1/n T. Ohashi
6/16 20:50 Virgo #11 CG 20 JPN 1/n T. Ohashi
6/17 9:00 Virgo #12 CG 20 JPN 1/n T. Ohashi
6/18 1:00 NGC 3268 CG 40 JPN 1/n Y. Yoshii
6/19 7:40 V436 Cen CV 20 ESJ 1/n M. Watson
6/20 2:30 GRB970616 TOO 40 MOT 1/Y Y. Tanaka
6/21 10:00 Cal 83 Bin. 20 JPN 2/n T. Dotani
6/22 2:20 NGC 4501 AGN 40 JPN 2/n H. Awaki
6/23 7:00 WEE 83 AGN 40 ESJ 1/n A. Comastri
(6/24 10:10 MNV to next target)
(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration,
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration, MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan),
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US), ESJ: ESA-Japan Program,
MOT: Manager's observatory time (Calibration and maintenance)