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ASCA weekly

Dear ASCA users,

Accepting the request for ASCA TOO observations of SMC X-3 by 
Robin Corbet et al.,  we have installed the observations on December 12. 
The flare up of the source was detected by RXTE after a long, 20 years
quiescent period (see IAUC No. # by Marshall et al.). To install this
TOO observations, the exposure time for  MS 1244.2+7114 (Priority-C,
PI: A. Furuzawa) and Cl. Link Region (Priority-C, PI: H. Tomida) were
reduced from 40 ksec to 30 ksec.

ASCA TOO observations of SMC X-3:
	PI:    	R. Corbet
	CoIs: 	J. Lochner, F. Marshall
	Japanese CoIs:  M. Ozaki,  TBD, (TBD)
The source was observed last night and Japanese CoIs are now performing
a quick analysis. The results, such as accurate position of the source will 
be informed soon.

F. Nagase		

December 5 -17,  1997		ver-1   (97/1/14)
(ISAS contact scientist:  Y. Ueda		(ueda@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date	MNV	Target 		Tag. 	Exp.	Observation	PI or 
	start	name  		Cat.	(ks)	Cat.  Pri./TC	 ( PPI/Co-PI)
12/ 5	 4:50	C Hale-Bopp	CXB	30	MJU	2/Y	J. Watanabe
								/C Lisse
12/ 6	 3:30	Carina Dwarf	Gal.	50	JPN	2/n	N. Arimoto

12/ 7	16:10	NGC 4111 #1	Gal.	20	JUS	2/n	Y. Terashima

12/ 8	 4:50	A2667		CG	40	JPN	3/n	Y. Tanaka

12/ 9	 6:10	A133		CG	40	MUJ	2/n	C. Sarazin
								/K. Kikuchi
12/10	 9:20	RX J0134-42	AGN	50	ESJ	2/n	D. Grupe

12/11	18:50	IRAS 11598-0112	AGN	20	JPN	3/n	T. Yamada

12/12	11:10	SMC X-3 (tr)	Bin.	20	OT	TOO	R. Corbet

12/12	23:40	MS 1244.2+7114	CG	30	JPN	3/n	A. Furuzawa

12/13	20:20	Cl. Link Region	CG	30	JPN	3/n	H. Tomida

12/14	12:40	Mkn 205		AGN	40	JPN	2/n	F. Makino

12/15	 9:40	NGC 4111 #2	Gal.	20	JUS	2/n	Y. Terashima

12/15	22:10	MCG-2-58-22 #2	AGN	40	US	2/Y	K. Weaver
(12/17	 3:00	MNV to next target)

(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration, 
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration,  MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan), 
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US),  ESJ: ESA-Japan Program, 
OT: Observatory time (Calibration, maintenance, and TOO)