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ASCA weekly
Dear ASCA users,
Please find below the ASCA observation schedule for the period of
June 26 to July 8. The survey of the Vergo cluster region will
complete by the observation of Virgo-east_13 this week.
F. Nagase
#16: JUNE 26 - JULY 8, 1999 ver-1 (99/ 5/25)
(ISAS contact scientist: T. TAMURA (ttamura@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date MNV Target Tag. Exp. Observation PI or
start name Cat. (ks) Cat. Pri./TC ( PPI/Co-PI)
6/26 0:00 Virgo-east_09 CG 20 JPN 2/n T. Ohashi
6/26 14:10 Virgo-east_10 CG 20 JPN 2/n T. Ohashi
6/27 4:30 PG 1535+547 AGN 40 MUJ 2/n W. Brandt
/N. Iyomoto
6/28 4:20 BL Lacertae AGN 100 JUS 2/n M. Tashiro
6/30 18:30 Virgo-east_11 CG 20 JPN 2/n T. Ohashi
7/ 1 8:40 Virgo-east_12 CG 20 JPN 2/n T. Ohashi
7/ 1 22:50 Virgo-east_13 CG 20 JPN 2/n T. Ohashi
7/ 2 11:40 A 2697 CG 40 JPN 1/n Y. Tanaka
7/ 3 16:30 A 141 CG 40 JPN 1/n Y. Tanaka
7/ 4 19:20 Abell S295 CG 50 JPN 2/n H. Katayama
7/ 6 3:10 NGC 5129 CG 98 MUJ 1/n D. Davis
/T. Tamura
(7/ 8 12:00 MNV to next target)
(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration,
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration, MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan),
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US), ESJ: ESA-Japan Program,
MOT: Observatory Time (Calibration, maintenance),
and TOO: Target of Opportunity