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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #204: XMM-NEWTON CONFERENCE: First Announcement

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_/            *  F I R S T   A N N O U N C E M E N T  *           _/
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_/                   "The X-ray Universe 2011"                    _/
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_/              Berlin, Germany, June 27 to 30, 2011              _/
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The  XMM-Newton  Science  Operations  Centre  is  organising  a  major
astrophysical symposium from Monday 27th to Thursday 30th June 2011 in
Berlin, Germany.


The symposium  is the third  international meeting in the  series "The
X-ray Universe".  The intention is  to gather a general  collection of
research  in high energy  astrophysics. The  symposium will  provide a
showcase for  results, discoveries  and expectations from  current and
future X-ray missions.

Session topics will include:

  * Stars, Star-forming Regions, Planetary and Cometary Studies
  * Interacting Binary Systems, (Galactic) Black Holes & Micro-quasars
  * Cataclysmic Variables and Novae
  * Magnetars, Isolated Neutron Stars and Pulsars
  * Planetary Nebulae, SN, SNR, PWN, Gamma-ray Bursts and Afterglows
  * Galaxies, Galaxy Surveys, Population Studies, ISM and Diffuse
    Galactic Emission
  * Active Galactic Nuclei
  * Clusters of Galaxies
  * Extragalactic Surveys and Population Studies, the Cosmic X-ray
    Background, WHIM and Cosmology
  * X-ray Astronomy, Missions, Optics, Instrumentation, Data Analysis
    and Archiving



G. Matt (Chair)         Universita degli Studi, Roma, Italy
M. A. Alpar             Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
D. Barret               CESR, Toulouse, France
E. Behar                Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
H. Boehringer           MPE, Garching, Germany
G. Branduardi-Raymont   University College London-MSSL, Dorking, UK
F. J. Carrera           Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Santander, Spain
F. E. Christensen       Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Copenhagen, Denmark
A. Decourchelle         CEA, Saclay, France
J.-W. Den Herder        SRON, Utrecht, The Netherlands
R. Gonzalez-Riestra     XMM-Newton SOC, Madrid, ESA
C. Hellier              Keele University, UK
S. Komossa              MPE, Garching, Germany
C. Kouveliotou          NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, USA
K. Makishima            University of Tokyo, Japan
S. Markoff              University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
B. McBreen              University College Dublin, Ireland
B. McNamara             University of Waterloo, Canada
G. Micela               Osservatorio Astronomico G.S. Vaiana, Palermo, Italy
G. Miniutti             Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC/INTA), Madrid, Spain
Y. Naze                 University of Liege, Belgium
T. Ohashi               Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
F. Ozel                 University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
N. Schartel (co-Chair)  XMM-Newton SOC, Madrid, ESA
A. Zezas                University of Crete, Greece


XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre:

M. Arpizou, M. Ehle (co-Chair), C. Gabriel, A. Ibarra, A. Labiano,
N. Loiseau, J.-U. Ness (co-Chair), A. Pollock, M. Santos-Lleo,
R. Saxton, M. Stuhlinger

Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam:

G. Lamer, L. Oskinova, G. Schoenherr, A. Schwope


          - IMPORTANT DATES (subject to changes) -

Feb 21, 2011     Second announcement: Opening of registration and
                  abstract submission
Mar 21, 2011     Abstract submission deadline
Apr 15, 2011     Decision about accepted presentations
Apr 28, 2011     Early registration deadline
Jun 27, 2011     Opening of the conference
Jun 30, 2011     Conference ends


                - CONFERENCE VENUE -

The  conference  will  be  held in the Seminaris Science and Conference

Takustr. 39, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Phone:   +49(0)30 - 55 77 97-0
Fax :    +49(0)30 - 55 77 97-100

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall some 20 years ago, Germany's capital
has experienced enormous changes: it  has become a capital not only in
the political sense,  but culturally and intellectually as  well. As a
result, it is now considered one of Europe's most exciting and diverse

The history  of Berlin is  one of the  most unusual: While  the oldest
parts date back  to the 12th century, Berlin  became only important in
the 17th century  with the fast rise of  Prussia. With the unification
of all  German states to a  single imperial state in  the 1870, Berlin
became the capital city. After  world war two, Berlin was divided into
sectors,  and  in  1961  the  infamous Berlin  Wall  was  built.   The
Brandenburg  gate became  a symbol  of the  division between  east and
west.  After  the wall came  down in 1989,  Berlin was made  again the
capital of reunited Germany.

Berlin offers  attractive sites  for all taste.   The city  has famous
museums  hosting important  galleries  and archaeological  attractions
such as the  Pergamon altar or the Ishtar  gate.  The contemporary art
scene, too, has long since found  a home in Berlin. Great art can also
be experienced in Berlin's opera houses and its many renowned theatres.



* Registration  and abstract  submission is  planned to  open  on 2011
   February  21. It will  be announced  in  due time via  an XMM-Newton

* A limited  amount of financial support  is planned to  be offered to
   cover the conference fee for a limited number of applicants.

* A booking system for accommodation  in the Seminaris Hotel, which is
   associated to the Science and  Conference Center, will be offered by
   the ESA Conference Bureau.


                   -  CONTACT  -

* Local Organising Committee

for scientific organisation, abstract submission and grant application:


* ESA Conference Bureau

for registration and social events:


The  conference web  page  containing most  up-to-date information  is
available at:


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