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GSFC XMM-Newton GOF Status Report #247: XMM-NEWTON NEWS #144

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_/           XMM-NEWTON NEWS #144    ---    18-Dec-2012           _/
_/                                                                _/

             XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre at
              ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre,
P.O. Box - Apdo. 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, Spain


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- Anticipated timeline for AO-13

- 13th XMM-Newton SAS Workshop

- EPIC MOS1 Event of Revolution 2382

Anticipated timeline for next XMM-Newton Announcement of Opportunity: AO-13

The planned key milestones for the thirteenth XMM-Newton "Announcement
of Opportunity" have been established. Within this AO-13 a new call to
submit proposals for observations  to be performed with the XMM-Newton
observatory will be issued.

To be prepared for this, please find below the anticipated timeline:

Announcement of Opportunity........................... 27 August 2013
Due date for Proposals.................... 11 October 2013 (12:00 UT)
Final OTAC approved programme...................... mid December 2013
For approved proposals only:

Start of phase II proposal submission................ 08 January 2014
Closure of phase II proposal submission.............. 31 January 2014
Start of AO-13 observations................................. May 2014

The official "Announcement of Opportunity"  will be made public in the
XMM-Newton News  and on the XMM-Newton Science  Operations Centre Home

13th XMM-Newton SAS Workshop

The XMM-Newton SOC announces the 13th SAS Workshop, which will be held
at the European Space Astronomy  Centre of ESA, Madrid, Spain, between
the 10th and the 14th of June 2013.

SAS Workshops aim at providing  XMM users with a basic introduction to
the  procedures  and techniques  to  successfully  reduce and  analyse
XMM-Newton data. The 5-day workshop is organised around 5 half-days of
presentations  and 5  half-days  of practical  training sessions.  The
sessions cover all aspects of data reduction and data analysis for all
the X-ray cameras and the Optical Monitor on-board XMM-Newton.

More details will  be given in a future  XMM-Newton Newsletter. In the
meantime, mark your calendars!

EPIC MOS1 Event of Revolution 2382

At  about  06:51 hrs  (UT)  on  11  December 2012,  during  XMM-Newton
revolution 2382,  an event  was registered in  the focal plane  of the
EPIC  MOS1   instrument.   The  characteristics  of   the  event  were
reminiscent of a similar event registered in the MOS1 focal plane on 9
March 2005. In  both cases a bright flash of  light caused data buffer
overflows  for  the CCDs  across  the  whole  focal plane.   The  main
consequence of the event in  2005 was significant damage on MOS1 CCD6,
which was switched off shortly afterwards. In addition a number of new
hot  or defective  pixels were  subsequently mapped  and  masked.  The
consequences of the recent event  appear to be of similar impact, with
the main  result being MOS1  CCD3, another peripheral  detector, being
significantly  damaged this  time.  A  number  of new  hot pixels  and
columns have  also developed  on other detectors.   The impact  on the
central CCD is considered negligible at the time of writing this note.

Scientific  observations  are  continuing  normally  with  XMM-Newton,
including MOS1,  but now  without data  from CCD3, or  from CCD6  as a
result of the 2005 event. Impacts on data reduction will be minimal.

Intensive  investigations are  underway involving  the  ESA Operations
Team and  the instrument  PI team in  an effort to  fully characterise
potential changes in the instrument status.

It  is anticipated that  the science  impact, even  if CCD3  cannot be
recovered,  will  be  small. CCD3  is  one  out  of the  six  original
peripheral CCDs  of MOS1. It  covers, to a first  order approximation,
slightly  less than  1/7 (or  14%) of  the geometrical  area  of MOS1.
MOS1, in turn,  only contains some 22% of the  total effective area of
the   EPIC    instrument   with   MOS1,   MOS2    and   pn   operating
simultaneously. Therefore,  the impact  of the loss  of CCD3  would be
zero  for  on-axis point  sources  and  extended  sources with  radius
smaller  than 5.5  arcmin.  For  sources falling  on CCD3  or  for the
extended  emission of  on-axis sources  at distances  larger  than 5.5
arcmin, there is a 22% decrease  in effective area (or 12% decrease in
signal-to-noise ratio) over 14% of the field.

In summary,  the combined impact of  the two events of  March 2005 and
December 2012 remains zero for  on-axis point sources. It results in a
12%  reduction of  the signal-to-noise  in about  28% of  the off-axis
field of view, for point-like or extended emission at radial distances
larger than 5.5 arcmin.

Please refer to the following Web page


for more details.

Yours sincerely,

XMM-Newton SOC

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