WGACAT (1995)vs WGACAT (2000) Quality Flags

The quality flags used in 1995 and 2000 versions of WGACAT are compared. There are 13 (0-12) quality flags in WGACAT as release in May 2000 as opposed to 11 (0-10) quality flags in the 1995 version.
Quality Flags WGACAT (1995) WGACAT (2000)
12 - A secure detection of a point source
11 - Good detection located near the inner detector support structure(at ~20 arcmin radius)
10 A secure detection of a point source Good detection located near the outer edge of detector or near the support structure of the detector ("ribs") at offaxis > 20 arcmin radius.
9 - Good detection. This quality flag is used to indicate that the thumbnails have not an optimized rebinning for the source strength and the source appeared split with a separation of about 10 arcsec, well inside the 80% HPD of the PSF. These sources are mostly at large offaxis and low rate (< 1e-2 count/s).
8 The source detections in the entire field are secure as a whole. But the individual sources are not inspected. Good detection.This quality flag is used to indicate that the thumbnails have not an optimized rebinning for the source strength and the source appeared split with a separation less 5 arcsec, well inside the 80% HPD of the PSF. These sources are mostly at small offaxis and low rate (< 1e-2 count/s).
7 - Good detection, but is located within bright background due to extended emission such as clusters, supernova remnants or near bright X-ray binaries.
6 - The point source detection is good but it is weak source.
5 The source detection is suspicious due to the existence of bright emission features such as clusters, SNRs etc. in the field of view The source detection is good, but it may be extended or elongated.
4 Many (typically more than a half) of the detections are caused by extended emission,but there are still good sources The detections are spurious due to nearby bright sources and also located at (or near) the inner ring, the edge or the ribs of the detector
3 The source looks perfectly good but is really bad. This may result from a local arc in the detector caused by a temporary HV breakdown or by a mystery pointing that interrupt the sequence Although the source looks good, it is not a real detection. This may result from a local arc in the detector caused by a temporary HV breakdown or by mystery pointings that interrupts the sequence. This flag also used as the indicator for Supernova remnants that are extended over the field.
2 The observation was taken within the first 2 months of the mission (June - July 1990) where the processing and satellite were unstable The observation was taken within the first 2 months of the mission (June-July 1990) where the processing and satellite were unstable. One of all double-counted sources detected in between "in", "in2" and "out" regions and duplicate sequences is suppressed by assigning QFlag=2.
1 Most of the detections in the field are spurious because of a large extended object The source detection is false caused by spurious detections due to extended emission from bright Supernova remnant or Low Mass X-ray Binary in the field
0 - Same as QFLAG 1, but the spurious detections are caused by clusters