Problematic Sequences
There were 86 sequences included in WGACAT95 that showed anomalies
corrected in the Rev2 version of the data.
Any false detection in these sequences has been assigned quality
flag = 3 in WGACAT as released in May 2000.
These sequences are interrupted by one or more GTIs that point at
ambiguous part of the sky.
rp150029 wp100359 wp110074 wp110345 wp120006
wp120100 wp120111 wp120112 wp120113 wp132471
wp140311 wp140315 wp140330 wp150068 wp150071
wp160022 wp170001 rp200001 rp200008 rp200066
rp200068 rp200073 rp200082 rp200127 rp200464
wp200154 wp200207 wp200226 wp200320 wp200411
wp200441 rp300122 wp300037 wp300043 wp300056
wp300068* wp300176 rp400013 rp400280n00 rp400372n00
wp400048 rp500013 rp500078 wp500052 rp600045
rp600051 wp600058 wp600100 rp700026 rp700118
rp700302 wp700140 wp700156 wp700179 wp700227
wp700230 wp700263 rp800014 rp800024 rp800035
rp800039 rp800041 rp900009 wp900026
Wrong Coordinates
A wrong (typically offset by ~ a degree) pointing direction is assigned in
these sequences.
wp110589 wp110602 wp300068* wp300230a01 wp400054
Bad Source-like Detection
These sequences include a false source-like detection that lasted only
for a short time period.
wp100376 wp100451 wp120020 wp160022 wp170075
rp200020 wp201370 rp300003 rp300111 wp300043
wp300219 wp500041 rp600270 rp700066 wp700223
wp700232 wp700277