Xamin release notes
Release 2024-03-07
March 7, 2024
- Released the new Xamin interface, formerly known as "Beta"
Release 2021-05-13T15:52:47-04:00 (a1f3c9e)
May 17, 2021
- Updated table category descriptions
- Added debugging info (SQL query) in "find matches" results
- Fixed security issue with path parameters
- Added ROSAT All Sky Survey to Aladin lite
- Fixed XMM survey in Aladin lite
- Merged index.jsp and xamin.jsp
Release 2021-03-02
March 2, 2021
- Added tab for downloadable FTP paths in data products cart
- Changed default setting to display table links
- Updated list of master observation tables
- Fixed data products for fermilpsc
- Fixed xteindex's abstracts products
- Fixed broken chanmaster table links
- Added SQL query info for failed requests
Release 2021-01-06
January 6, 2021
- Updated batsetrigs (CGRO) data products definitions to reflect current table schema
- Added SQL query info for failed requests
Release 6.8c
April 22, 2020
- Updated to fix type mismatch error in TAP_lint tests.
- Really fixed the order of DESCRIPTION and VALUES in VOTABLE
- Fixed security issue with getDoc.jsp
- Fixed format issue with DataLink and __row field
Release 6.8a
Patched April 8/14, 2020
- Fixed bug where time range queries on tables with set start times and null end times
were not being seen
March 25, 2020
- Fixed issue with the order of DESCRIPTION and VALUES in a
VOTABLE FIELD. Neither are required, but if both are there,
DESCRIPTION needs to be first.
Release 6.8
March 23, 2020
Added support for notification service.
- Added HDB class heasarc.exec.MultiExec to read WebSec URL list files
and query Xamin.
- Added HDB class heasarc.util.StringDiff to difference arrays of strings.
- Add singleRowProd.jsp to display single row of data products.
- Fixed issue with tap queries not having the table in the
DataLink accessURL
Release 6.7a
- Made fix for argument processing really work!
Release 6.7
December 10, 2019
- Fix description fields in tables for vo/tap/tables endpoint
- Fix argument processing of escaped $ and /
- Fix check now feature.
Release 6.6
October 30, 2019
- Enable inititialization to set search of external table.
- Fixed bug in setting startfv for external FITS files.
- Fixed bug in handling of Short for FITS.
This briefly introduced another bug when the value was null.
Release 6.5
October 16, 2019
- Fix for NICER products.
- Updated URLs for links to ADS
- Updates to make some TAP queries run faster
- Mission updates to support Browse
Release 6.4
September 3, 2019
- Major update to installation utilities.
Adds checks during installation and makes sure
executable files are actually done using static list.
- Fix bug in production ingestinos.
- Add many new links to product links
- Create program to generate Xamin link products from
Browse zzlink table.
- Fix integers being initialized as strings which caused
problem in Edge browser
Release 6.3a
July 15, 2019
- Add Chandra to HiPS in Aladin Lite
Release 6.3
July 9, 2019
- Fix to maxrec in SxA services completed.
Release 6.2
June 25, 2019
- Fixes to handling of table uploads
- Added some code to check that the database is properly closed on exit from a query
- First elements of fix to maxrec in SxA services.
Release 6.1
June 11, 2019
- Updated to add an amount to the requested size for SIA that's
based on the naxis of the image. This amount is also used as
the size when size=0 is requested.
- Updated to allow for a responseFormat request in DataLink.
- Many updates to external service to use NAVO registry to dynamically request
services. Services are cached for an hour.
- Use of VizieR TAP service to discover available tables with caching
of results
- In external resources enable the splitting of available resources
into multiple level hierarchy so that not too many tables are in each leaf.
- Allow access to Vizier and HEASARC cone and TAP services
- Support for SIAv2 remote services
- In rendered VOTable render URLs as links.
Release 6.0a
April 3, 2019
Updates to minimize chances of OutOfMemory errors.
- Only a limited number of queries are allowed to run concurrently.
- There is a upper limit to the number of rows that may be specified
for queries in non-streaming formats (Aligned, FITS, Excel). This
is currently set at 200,000 for Aligned and FITS and 60,000 for Excel.
[The Excel library used also sets a limit of 65535.]
- Updated DataLink queries to use POST is large numbers of IDs are to be
- Fixed bug in sorting of existing query.
Release 6.0
March 15, 2019
- Many changes associated with use of DataLink to extract data products.
If a TAP query (async or sync) has product results, DataLink info will
also be returned. DataLink requests can include a table and row
(id=table:row) or a table, row, and product(s)
(id=table:row:product1,product2...). The table can also be included
as part of the url, then the id is either just the row or the row
and product(s).
- Data products are now searched for only when users request data.
When multiple rows are added to the data cart there may be a detectable pause while
products are located. Rows without data products will initially still show
a product expansion but will indicate that there are no products when expanded.
- Full support for SSA and SIAv2 queries
- Support for BINARY2 data format in VOTables
- Support for short values in data returned.
- Fixes to pass TAPLint tests, notably enclosing many identifiers
in quotes.
Release 5.3
August 28, 2018
- The VOTable writing functions were updated to eliminate
frequent flushes of the I/O buffers that substantially slowed down
performance. This could be a factor of several for large VOTable queries.
- Most non-table metadata is now cached for 10 minutes. This can
substantially improve performance when a sequence of calls is made
in rapid sucession (~50%)
- Old feedback is not loaded unless the user requests it which may
slightly improve the time it takes for the Xamin form to start up.
- New batch regression tests added to emulate discovery queries
Release 5.2
June 26, 2018
- Updates to DataLink and TAP functionality include DataLink VOSI elements and
corrections to DataLink format per validation outputs.
April 16, 2018
Release 5.1
- Reinstated Save To Hera functionality
- Fix to directory data products
February 6, 2018
Release 5.0b
- Fix to compound data products
January 23, 2018
Release 5.0a
- Fix for table uploads
- Updates to DataLink
Release 5.0
December 20, 2017
- Addition of AladinLite Mapper window and mapper functionality
- Links between table display and mapper for selected objects/catalog
- New DataLink capabilities
- SSA updates
- Removal of link to old version
- Change to default background
- Tabbed result windows.
Release 4.2
August 1, 2017
- Changes to support SSA data products for Chandra and INTEGRAL
- Updates to Hera support
Release 4.1a
April 27, 2017
- Fix parameters checking for external tables to use display table name
Release 4.1
March 31, 2017
- Restructuring of servlets to use implementation classes.
- Security fixes.
- Bibcode typo correction to security fix in 4.0a
Release 4.0b
March 22, 2017
Release 4.0a
Februrary 17, 2017
- Patch to fix index queries with fewer than 5 tables
- Turn off memory checks which seem to be triggering frequently
Release 4.0
February 14, 2017
- Complete revision of plotting capabilities using Plotly package.
- Interactive plots
- Transition from ExtJS 5.0 to ExtJS 6.2
- Support for combined/compressed JavaScript libraries
- Update or Feedback functionality
- Use only relative URLs for cross-Xamin references enabling more code
- Fixes to single box interface
- Apply cookie parameters properly
- Fix XSS issue (already applied as patch)
- Limit synchronous loading of modules.
- Try to limit out of memory conditions
- Track number of requests running
- Added general capability for support of SSA
data products associated with Xamin products. The structure
of the product metadata files has been changed and the ProductsParser
class has been updated. New virtual tables in the in database
metadata have been defined including ssacolumn, ssalink and ssalinkfield.
Users can specify either a known SSA product or just a table
and will get the SSA products linked to that table.
This initial release defines SSA products for the Swift XRT (for
table swiftxrlog). Additional SSA products can be created
purely by adding additional metadata.
- SSA and SIA are combined into one SxA entry point in the Xamin
Release 3.5
August 3, 2016
- Full support for product parser.
- Support for defining base and supplemental bibcode tables.
- Support for SIA macros in data product files.
Release 3.4
May 2, 2016
- Fixes for VOTable and ConeSearch format.
- Disable products for group and distinct searches
- ROSAT SIA products
Release 3.3
April 18, 2016
- Updates to support new data products in HDB code.
- New data product definitions for Chandra.
Release 3.2
March 24, 2016
- Fail quickly when illegal inputs are detected.
- Don't print out documentation to log
Release 3.1
Releae date: March 7, 2016
- Include SAMP interface tool on result windows.
- Eliminate debugging outputs
- Fix some 'require:' fields in ExtJS classes.
- Use compressed ExtJS files.
- Fix bug in query notes return (? tool) (and add tests for this)
- Further updates to WebUsersGuide.
Version 3.0
Release Date: February 16, 2016
Release 3.0 of Xamin has many improvements and changes in the underlying interface.
The User's Guide has been updated to reflect
these changes but this document calls them out so that users can understand
how to take advantage of the new system. While there are many significant changes,
the basic approach to submitting queries and collecting results is still very similar.
During the transition to Xamin 3.0 the old interface may still be invoked
either by exliciting using the URL
or through the Help menu.
The Application Console
The overall look for the Xamin Web interface is very different. It emulates a
computer console. If you expand your browser to use the full screen
the console emulation can be quite close. There are buttons that allow you to display and
hide each major pane active in your Xamin session. Buttons in the background can be used to
activate the query, feedback, information and user panes.
Start Button
The 'Start' -- named for its location more than its functionality -- button
allows users to get to standard windows, to change the background
and to organize, hide, or delete all data windows.
Session configuration
The Session menu now has a submenu allowing you to set up a saved session configuration that
will be automically applied when you start an Xamin session. This uses a persistent
cookie so that it does not require a user account. However since the amount of information
that can be stored in the cookie is small, it is mostly useful for storing default
menu configurations and the like. Adding in a table information may exceed the capacity
of the cookie and the attempt to save the configuration will fail.
Output formats
Users now have a many more output format options include text downloads and rendering
text in other windows.
Theme option removed
There were three somewhat different themes allowed in the old version. These changed
the color scheme (and sometimes scaling) of the display but had no
other effect on functionality.
The Options menu has been reorganized a bit to try to put things together more
logically in the sub menus. E.g., the Output content submenu now controls the coordinate
and time formats, whether data are rounded and which fields are shown by default.
Query start buttons
The buttons used to start queries have been simplified a bit. Instead of two buttons
used to start index queries where we look for tables which have data matching your
criteria, there is now a single button whose label text indicates if the query will
be made for all HEASARC tables or look only within the set of tables you
have specified.
Index and table query buttons switched
The relative positions of the index and table query buttons have been reversed. The
table query buttons now come first.
Similarly, the there are now only three buttons to submit queries of tables. You
use the same button to start a single table query or a correlation. You pick the
button based upon whether you wish to see the results as a table, do a plot or save
the results in your Xamin environment.
Users can now explicitly enter bibcodes for discovery and table queries.
File uploads
You can immediately upload a file to use in queries in Xamin without having to first
log in to a user account. The file can be used in a sequence of queries, but it will
be uploaded each time.
Virtual Observatory Tables
Many more virtual observatory resources are available.
Keyword search results
The results for a keyword search of tables are now formatted where you can
collapse and expand the results for HEASARC and VizieR to focus on the tables you
are interested in. More information about VO table resources is now available through the
information panel.
Keyword search results queries
You can now choose to add the list of HEASARC tables matching your keyword search
into the selected tables. You can then do a search (typically an index query since
you cannot do correlations on more than 4 tables) on those tables. Xamin V2 also had
facilities to search these tables in and index query but did so use an inefficient query
syntax. Results will now return much faster.
Selecting parameters
The parameter explorer has been substantially revised. Previously a red parameter
bar was used to signal the end of the displayed parameters. Users could drag this
bar to change what parameters were to be displayed, or move parameters around.
It is still possible to move parameters (including groups of parameters) around,
but there are now icons on each parameter to select/deselect the parameter. Each row also
an icon for changing the boundary between the selected/deselected parameters
The ability to print queries has been improved and expanded. Discovery queries (where
a list of tables containing matching objects is retrieved) and plots can now also be printed.
Any pane that can be printed has a printer tool on the right of the title bar.
The same form is now used to both submit new feedback requests and display existing feedback.
No prompt on exit
Xamin no longer prompts for confirmation that you want to leave the service
when you have more than one plot/table displayed.
Multiple plot control windows
Previously only a single plot control window was allowed. When a new plot request
was made any existing plot control window was destroyed and replaced by the
result from the new plot request. Since these are bulky windows, users
may want to remove them as soon as they are finished with a particular plot.
Plot control windows are cleaned up when users use the Clear Data option on the Start button.
Single box notice
When using the single box interfaces users will be notified immediately when
the single box query initiates. Previously the system could appear inactive
while Xamin was checking whether input parameters were target names.
Tutorial movies
The introductory tutorial in the Xamin Web Users Guide is now given as a set
of movies rather than text.
Release 2.11
Release Date: November 23, 2015
- Added general capability for support of SIA (and eventually) SSA
data products associated with Xamin products. The structure
of the product metadata files has been changed and the ProductsParser
class has been updated. New virtual tables in the in database
metadata have been defined including siacolumn, sialink and sialinkfield.
A new sia entry point has been added to the Xamin servlet.
Users can specify either a known SIA product or just a table
and will get the sia products linked to that table. Issues with
multiple SIA products for a single table may still need to be addressed.
This initial release defines SIA products for the Swift UVOT (for
table swiftuvlog). Additional SIA products can be created
purely by adding additional metadata.
Release 2.10
Release Date: September 8, 2015
- Added capability to upload tables to use directly in queries.
- Transferred positional constraints to all tables in
a cross-correlation to ensure that table initially queried
is appropriately indexed.
- Expand support for region's in ADQL.ls -
- Quote "as" names to make GAVO happier.
- Support boolean fields.
- Fix JSON output formats to properly use double quotes
- Fix to anticorrelations
- Fix to data products with multiple roots showing up in ROSAT products
Release 2.9
Release date: June 10, 2015
- Fixed handling of large radius searches
- Fixed handling of TAP queries that have immediate errors
- Fixed definition of TAP tap_schema.columns
Release 2.8
Release date: March 29, 2014
- Added uploads to Table Explorer
- Added Inline output format for programmatic access to tables
- Added test HeasarcStarTable class for possible integration of STILTS capabilities
- Fixed bug where integer dates were not being converted to MJD.
Release 2.7
Release date: February 4, 2015
- Fix creation of indices for user tables.
- Show parameters when using user tables.
Release 2.6a
Release date: January 28, 2015
- Updated JSqlParser to version 0.9.2. This fixes a bug
when we do an anticorrelation involving three or more total
tables. The only modification we make to this is to
allow the Posgres ILIKE operator. We not longer
put in the change that allowed logical operations in the select list.
select ra,dec,ra>dec,constell from messier
used to be supported. This should now be coded as
select ra,dec,case when ra>dec true else false end,constell from messier
Several other changes that we used to make have been incorporated
into the standard JSqlParser release.
- New data products for Swift bursts and Fermi LAT were made available
earlier outside the release cycle.
Release 2.6
Release Date: November 30, 2013
- Added bibcode keyword for batch interface to allow users
to do searches based upon bibcodes.
- Fixed issues which required Xamin code to do metadata queries
multiple times when making simple queries.
- Small security changes
Release 2.5a
Release Date: June 17, 2014
- Changes to add Xamin Plot capability to Browse
Release 2.5
Release Date: April 29, 2014
- Adding dynamic TAP metadata (TAP_SCHEMA tables).
- Many improvements to TAP Async processing
- Fix security and XSS issues
Release 2.4c
Release Date: April 7, 2014
- Allow users to log in directly to Hera from Xamin if they are
already logged in.
- Adding streaming capabilities for BINARY VOTable outputs which
are used in TAP queries.
- When there are multiple limits on the number of rows, use the smallest.
- Added commits in asynchronous query updates of query status. Fixed
bug where query status remained at EXECUTING for TAP Async queries.
Release 2.4b
Release Date: February 11, 2014
- Added needed commits for table appends and deletes.
Release 2.4a
- Fixed autocommit settings broken in 2.4 so that autocommit
is set before we add metadata when saving tables.
Release 2.4
Release Date: February 8, 2014
- Set fetch count in queries to limit memory usage and
speed up initial data return.
- Changes to XML code to use normal IOExceptions rather than
customize XMLExceptions. Allow these to propogate normally.
- Handle VizieR results that include multiple tables.
- Data product fixes.
- Fixed handling of multiple logins
- Table updates should now delete removed tables
- Process for saving logs implemented
Release 2.3e
Release Date: September 30, 2013
- Fix to transfer to Hera.
- Addition of some bibliographic data products
Release 2.3d
Release Date: September 3, 2013
- Software update of underlying javascript framework
- Feedback form enhancement
- Quick Search Form bug fix and enhancement
Xamin release notes
Release 2.3c
Release Date: August 19, 2013
- Updated data products for the CMBMASTER - LAMBDA Master Catalog of CMB Experiments table and other tables
- Fixed bug in the grid row sorting process
Release 2.3b
Release Date: July 31, 2013
- Fixed bug in the process that parses query parameters
- Feedback now requires approval before showing up in Feedback Report
Release 2.3a
Release Date: July 16, 2013
- Fix issue with invalid table names
- Limit visibility of SQL errors
Release 2.3
Release Date: June 17, 2013
- Rearranged Xamin tables tree in Query pane to highlight popular
choices and adjusted expand/collapse behavior
- Added a bit of guidance to the Submit Options area of the Query Pane
Release 2.2b
Release Date: March 18, 2013
- Change how new accounts are created. (Not visible to users)
- Make offset default sorting
Release 2.2a
Release Date: March 11, 2013
- Fix bug in display of fractional seconds in UTC times
Release 2.2
Release Date: March 5, 2013
- Resizable SkyView preview images
- Change no results to a non-error
- Standardize installation script
- Fix issues in data products
- Communications with Hera improved
Release 2.1
Release Date: December 3, 2012
- Refactored positional constraints to allow more ways to do this, including
using the Q3C library in Postgres
- Better support for differencing queries including more
options when doing a query save
- Fixes to occasional concurrency bugs
Release 2.0
Release Date: November 13, 2012
- Save To Hera functionality added to Products Cart
- Connect To Hera option added as menu item
- Created form for Single Box query for to be used on HEASARC Archive page
- Small changes to Products Cart user interface interaction
- Minor bug fixes to quesry results grid
Release 1.7
- The information panel has been moved into an independent pane so that
users can easily view documentation from tables.
Release 1.6e
Release Date: September 17, 2012
- Fix problem with SAMP requests which were being sent to
'localhost' rather than correct address
Release 1.6d
Release Date: September 5, 2012
- The table monitoring capability was not working due to a conflict between
the SQL security checks and the way the table creation SQL was stored.
- Occasionally the table check schedule parameters were being encoded
when sent to the database. The reason for this is unknown, but a check
for encoded values was added.
- Ability to set location of settings file via environment variable restored.
Release 1.6c
Release Date: September 4, 2012
- Allow positions to be separated by commas if the names
all contain alphabetic characters.
- Do some decoding of Servlet inputs which seemed not be be
handled by system utilities.
- Add offset column to cross-correlations. Fix error that
added offset columns to discovery queries (after offsets were being
shown for multitable queries).
Release 1.6b
Release Date: August 27, 2012
- Added Batch mode capabilities to partially emulate Browse batch
mode requests.
- Included FITS library in WAR so that FITS downloads should again work.
Release 1.6
Release Date: August 20, 2012
- Xamin notices added at both startup and in Help menu
- Xamin blog added to Help menu
- SAMP requests now return an error message
when the connection to the server fails.
- HTTP header added to give applications a sense of the current load.
- Fixes to data products
- Changed title bars for Parameters explorer and Tables explorer. These
are referenced in the documentation but were not labeled as
such in the interface.
- Cone search requests now do a bit more customization of the XML output to
match the cone search standard. Some changes are also made to make
Xamin cone search requests look more like Browse.
Release 1.5e
Release Date: July 18, 2012
- Improved cart icon processing
Release Date: July 5, 2012
Release 1.5d
Release Date: July 5, 2012
- Improved messages for transferring products to cart
- Fixed adding highlighted rows of a resorted table
Release 1.5c
Release Date: June 15, 2012
- Improved handling of data products.
- Cross-correlation documentation improvements.
Release 1.5b
Release Date: May 23, 2012
- Changes to SQL syntax used to save query tables.
- Security updates and enchancements
- Fixes to POSTs
- Better rendering of error messages with embedded new lines (including
encoding newlines in XML values
Release 1.5a
Release Date: May 15, 2012
Support for session timeouts.
Changes to query validation using
function whitelist.
Release 1.5
Release Date: May 5, 2012
Users can now request that text outputs be downloaded rather
than displayed on the screen.
- Some support for direct SQL queries
When specific products were requested they could be duplicated
in the results if they showed up multiple times in the
products tree.
A number of security enhancements designed to keep users from
viewing system tables or functions.
Updated state initialization of special constraints. A bug had the effect
of keeping some initial queries from running to completion.
Release 1.4
Release Date: Match 27, 2012
Release 1.3h
Release Date: March 23, 2012
Precision for output coordinates increased to normalize
properly with Browse
CoordPrecision settings was being ignored.
Additional security fix for TAR downloads.
Release 1.3g
Release Date: March 19, 2012
- Additional Async fixes include
issues with TAP Schema
Release 1.3f
Release Date: March 12, 2012
Release 1.3e
Release Date: February 27, 2012
- Removal of extra space in XML outputs.
- Fixes to TAP metadata queries and handling of TAP versioning.
Release 1.3d
Release Date: February 22, 2012
- Fixes serious bug where Xamin queries would fail due to
ingest of <base> attribute in column heading documentation.
- Fixes some problems with cone search.
Release 1.3c
Release Date: January 18, 2012
- Check against XSS vulnerabilities
- Give sensible error messages after a time out.
- When a grid is re-ordered the data products were not
moving with the rows. This serious bug is fixed. Noted by user.
Release 1.3b
Release Date: January 7, 2012
- Updates to Web documentation for single box interface.
- Many small fixes mostly addressing issues with remote tables, e.g.,
- Making TAP table names consistent which ensured
that when correlating tables from each table were
not intermingled gratuitously.
- Filtering Vizier documentation so that on-click actions
do not destroy the Xamin form.
- Making sure that we always use the same column
names in Vizier tables to get the RA and Dec.
- Making sure we use Pane/Window distinction consistently.
Release 1.3a
Release Date: December 21, 2011
- Changed handling of Vizier resources to
enable proper querying of resources that contain
multiple tables.
Upgrade to ExtJS 3.4
Added Selenium testing (as separate project)
Fixed several issues with SSA and TAP queries, including
data product for SSA, reserved words for TAP queries, and
handling of positional columns in TAP queries by ensuring
that we use RA/Dec fields rather than vector fields for
remote positional constraints.
Release 1.3
Release Date: November 21, 2011
Fixed problem with plots with literal string qualifiers. Identified
in request
Add error manager and provide more consistent handling of errors.
Upgrades to login procedures to accommodate more rigorous checking
of requests.
Changed autoquoting to show quotes in text and allow user to explicitly
delete quotes.
Discovery queries now allow clicking anywhere on row (except arrow)
to initiate query of selected table.
Fully validate all user requests from both web and CLI environment
Fixes to downloads in VOTable and non-browser renderable formats.
Numerous fixes to data product definitions. Added check to ensure
that all data products are found somewhere.
Support for SAMP publication of tables.
Add checking in some Xamin prompts (e.g., that user specifies
a name for a saved session).
Changes to formatting of table metadata query results.
Use tabledocs table to get HEASARC and Vizier table documentation.
Ensure that documentation links work, but do not exit Xamin.
Use tabledocs and table_classes tables to defined VizieR table structure.
Added new node classes to heasarc.xamin.nodes.
Ensure saved sessions have different names.
Allow user table selection from account page.
Fix one/two column CSV uploads. Also ensure that user local file
name is used in deciding upload format.
Provide unit information in column metadata.
Upgrade to ExtJS 3.4 (from 3.2). [Patch included
in xamin.jsp to accommodate unmovable windows bug in 3.4].
Release 1.2
Release Date: October 13, 2011
- Users can now get information on fields by mousing
over grid headers.
- Users can now get all columns in table for a given row
by mousing over first number field in grid.
- Fixes to CSV processing including supporting of embedded
commas and newlines plus ensuring that valid column names are used.
- Use startfv.pl command to download single FITS files to ensure
that proper mime-type is received by browser.
- Updates to documentation and JS documentation helpers.
- Added plot document
- Invalidate queries when a table used is no longer available due
to logout or deletion.
- Stream VOTable output format.
- Make plotting more efficient. Return on a single row for
the initial plot query which is used to find the available fields.
The streaming VOTable output allows STILTS to read data while query
is still running.
- Fix bugs in handling of data product trees.
Release 1.1
Release Date: September 14, 2011
- New login framework
- Many bug fixes from release 1.0.
Release 1.0
Release Date: March 1, 2011
- Initial release of full system.