Gail Rohrbach
Gail Rohrbach works for two space satellite missions in the Exploration of the Universe (EUD) division at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. As a member of the Swift Science Center (SSC) she helps scientists and the general public understand and use data from NASA's Swift mission. As a member of the RXTE Guest Observer Facility (RXTE GOF) she oversees the RXTE data processing pipeline and answers questions about RXTE data analysis from scientists around the world. Gail earned a B.S. in Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 1987. Her previous experience includes 5 years with the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at JPL / Caltech, where she was a member of the New Products Development team and a co-author on the Faint Source Survey Catalog. She came to the HEASARC in 1993 as a member of the ROSAT Guest Observer Facility, where she was the primary contact for GO questions and support. In August 1995, she joined the RXTE GOF to help set-up and run their visiting Guest Observer support activities. After working full-time for the RXTE GOF for 5 years, she switched to Public Outreach work, helping to develop Web and print materials for teachers and students featuring science from EUD missions. She spent 3 years with the public outreach team before returning to direct science support, taking up the responsibilities she has now.
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