HEASARC Software
The following software is supported by the HEASARC. Most of this software
is designed for professional researchers and advanced students for the
analysis of scientific astronomical observations in
FITS format. The 'fv' program is also
suitable for more general use by
amateurs and educators for viewing astronomical image files. These
software packages are to be downloaded to the users machine. Web-based
tools are available on our tools
HEASARC Software Packages
FITSIO - A subroutine library for reading and writing
files for C and Fortran programmers.
FTOOLS - General
FITS file utility programs and mission-specific data analysis
FV - Interactive editor and viewer for astronomical
data files in FITS format.
HEASoft - A unified release of the FTOOLS and XANADU
HEASoft & Docker - Install HEASoft in a Docker container
HEASoftPy - A Python 3 interface to HEASoft
SciServer - Run the FTOOLS and XANADU software on the
SciServer science platform, without having to install the
software packages locally or download any data. Define your
own collaboration groups, share code and results, etc.
Hera - Run the FTOOLS and XANADU software on the
Hera servers at the HEASARC, without having to install the
software packages locally. DEPRECATED
Maki - Displays fields of view for various instruments on
FITS images. Currently supports the Suzaku XIS & HXD, Chandra
ACIS & HRC, XMM EPIC, and RXTE PCA detectors.
PIMMS - Program to estimate count rates from fluxes or
vice versa, or to estimate count rates in one instrument from those
measured in another.
Profit - GUI tool for visualizing and modeling
high-resolution spectra.
SAOImage DS9 - Astronomical Imaging and Data Visualization
Application: DS9 supports FITS images and binary tables, multiple
frame buffers, region manipulation, and many scale algorithms and
SkyView-In-A-Jar - Running SkyView
on your own computer.
XANADU - Suite of spectral (xspec), timing (xronos),
and image (ximage)
analysis programs.
XSELECT - Multipurpose tool for filtering event files
and generating images, spectra, and light curves. Distributed as
part of the HEASARC package on the
download page.
XSTAR - Program for calculating physical conditions and
emission spectra in photoionized gases.
ASTRO-Update - Latest
Versions of Useful Multi-mission Software
FITS - Data Formats, Standards
and HEASARC Conventions for High-Energy Astrophysics Data
LAMBDA Toolbox -
Useful Software and Web Tools for Cosmic Microwave Backround and
General Astronomy
Mission-Specific Software
BeppoSAX |
Chandra |
Fermi |
HEAO-1 |
OSO-8 |
Suzaku |
Swift |