HEAO-1 A2 World Wide Web GIF image browserThis is a subset of the sky maps made from the HEAO-1 A2 instrument during its scanning phase. This showcase is ideal for users who wihs to see example images to decide which FITS files to obtain from the HEAO-1 A2 maps FTP area. The images below are Galactic Aitoff projections in each of the four X-ray colors (Hard, Soft, Total, and R15) for each of the two collimator configurations (3.0 deg x 3.0 deg (SFOV) and 3.0 deg x 1.5 deg (LFOV) fields of view). Missing data has been reconstructed using a beam-weighted average method. The all sky maps shown here start from mission day 322 (15 September 1977); during the six month period following day 322, changes in the detector parameters were minimumized. Thus these represent the "best" maps made from HEAO-1's A2 instrument. Other HEAO-1 A2 maps are only available in the FITS format. They are available in a variety of coordinate systems, image processing methods, and mission parameters (e.g. X-ray color, field of view, etc.). More information about how these maps were generated, as well as the instrument and satellite mission, is available from "HEAO 1 and the A2 experiment", which was published in Volume 5 of Legacy, the journal of the HEASARC. There are also a number of other images of or from HEAO-1 instruments available on the HEAO-1 images page.
Page authors: Lorella Angelini Jesse Allen HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public Last modified: Wednesday, 22-Apr-2020 10:31:10 EDT |