What problems have been found with the spectral calibration?
The PSPC is undergoing a major energy recalibration to account for the non-linear time-dependant channel shifts that are evident (but not calibrated) in the data. The engineering model PSPC has just (2/15/94) entered the PANTER ground calibration facility, so that calibration data can be taken at the gain state at which the in-flight detector currently is operating. This posting will be updated as soon as possible.
Data taken prior to Oct 14th 1991 should be fit with the matrix pspcb_92mar11.rmf (or with pspcc_92mar11.rmf for data taken during the survey or PVC phase when pspcc was operational). Data taken after that date should be fit with pspcb_93jan12.rmf. These matrices are in GSFC OGIP FITS format and compatible with XSPEC. These FITS matrices can be used with FITS or SF format XSPEC pha files and are available on the heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov anonymous ftp area under /caldb/data/rosat/pspc/cpf/ (where cpf stands for calibration product file).
Uncalibrated gain shifts may produce an S-shaped discrepancy in the data minus fitted model residuals, the matrices currently are undergoing recalibration to correct for these problems. New matrices will be advertised when available.
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