ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

Rationalized Data Format (RDF) Names

A new data-product format, RDF (Rationalized Data Format; expected to be introduced in January 1994), will unify the German and U.S. FITS formats used previously into a single set of formats, necessitating a further change in naming conventions. All U.S. data processed prior to January 1994 (regardless of whether processed with Rev0 or Rev1 SASS) will be reprocessed using the latest SASS (Rev 2) software in order to produce RDF FITS data products for the public data archive.

An additional identifier has been inserted into the RDF file names to indicate both "split" Rev0 sequences and "mispointed" observations (those for which the telescope was not pointed at the intended target). The RDF FITS file names have the following form:


where obs-code has replaced add-on# (from Rev1):

n00 - observed as scheduled, first segment ("n" = Normal)
a01,a02,... - observed as scheduled: first, second, and subsequent segments added to the "normal" segment ("a" = Add-on)
a00,a01,... - indicate 1st, 2nd, and subsequent segments for an observation which was first processed as a single observation in rev 0 processing.
m01,m02,... - mispointed segment (targeting was not as scheduled), numbering begins at 1 ("m" = Mispointed)


In this case, the IRAF/PROS name for RDF-format qpoe files might be:

rp123456n00.qp - PSPC observations
rf234567n00.qp - PSPC filtered observations
rh345678n00.qp - HRI observations

For a complete explanation of previous naming conventions from which this one evolved, select one of the following:

ROSAT GOF Return to the ROSAT GOF page Last Update: Jan 10, 1995 Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
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This file was last modified on Monday, 13-Sep-1999 15:47:29 EDT

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