ROSAT Guest Observer Facility

ROSAT Status Report #84:

Feb. 7, 1994

RPS5 Note:

If you are planning to submit a proposal for ROSAT AO5, please be aware that there is a typo in the NRA Appendix E (overview of RPS5). In the section on how to copy RPS5, there is an example of how to uncompress and tar the unix and ultrix versions. This line should read:

% zcat rps5_ulx_exe.tar | tar xvf -

In the appendix, the | was accidentally converted into a - I apologize for the confusion. If you have any questions/problems with RPS5, please feel free to call or send me email.

Thank you,
Margo Duesterhaus
Proposal Manager or rosat::duesterhaus

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Curator: Michael Arida (ADNET)
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility

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