Caldb -- The Calibration Database


The Calibration Database (CALDB) is a flexible file system which stores and indexes FITS formatted calibration files. The Calibration Database access software (the CALTOOLS command line tasks and the CALLIB library, distributed with HEASoft) allows users to automatically identify, retrieve, and apply the correct calibration file for supported high energy missions and instruments based on the criteria of the user's observation.

The CALDB is maintained and supported at the HEASARC, and can be virtually accessed using HEASoft tasks. Instructions on virtual access of the HEASARC CALDB are available at the "Accessing the HEASARC CALDB Remotely" webpage (

The CALDB for supported missions & instruments can also be downloaded and installed on the user's local disk. Tar files are available from the CALDB Supported Missions webpage. Detailed instructions on installation and setup are available from the "Download and Installation Instructions" page.

See the CALDB website for more information.


The HEASoft CALTOOLS package.

