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                             RELEASE NOTES FOR HEASOFT 6.15.1
                                    January 28, 2014
    The HEASoft 6.15.1 release is driven by updates to the NuSTAR and Swift/XRT
    data analysis software.
    - barycorr: Updated keywords were {RA,DEC}_NOM, now changed to
      {RA,DEC}_OBJ to avoid interference with operation of Swift and
      NuSTAR software; no known impact to RXTE or Chandra; add new
      keywords TREFPOS & TREFDIR which adhere to new Rots et al. draft
      standard for timing keywords.
    NuSTARDAS version 1.3.1:
    Major changes introduced in this version:
    - nuexpomap: addition of the keyword 'PIXBIN' and 'PERCENT' to the
      header of the output sky exposure maps.
    - nulccorr: update of the value of the 'DEADAPP' keyword to 'True' in
      the output light-curve
    - nupipeline: 1) addition of the new input parameters 'barycorr',
      'clockfile', 'srcra_barycorr' and 'srcdec_barycorr'; 2) modified the
      call to the module 'nuproducts' to enable the barycenter correction
    - nuproducts: 1) addition of the new input parameter 'barycorr' to optionally
      apply the barycenter correction to output files with internal runs of the
      multi-mission FTOOL 'barycorr'; 2) addition of the energy filtering of the
      output sky images through the input parameters 'pilow' and 'pihigh'.
    Summary of changes:
    * nupipeline/nuproducts:
      Allows the pipeline to produce barycenter corrected event files and
      lightcurves via a new keyword passed to the "nuproducts" script. The
      user may set the RA/DEC of the object using the 'srcra_barycorr' and
      'srcdec_barycorr' keywords to nupipeline and/or nuproducts.
      Output sky images are now filtered using the "pilow" and "pihigh"
      keywords. Previously only the lightcurve was filtered and the images
      produced by nupipeline/nuproducts were always "full band" images and
      the user was required to use to XSELECT or "extractor" to produced
      energy-band images.  This has been changed for simplicity.
    * nulccorr:
      Some lightcurve analysis suites (e.g. lcurve) read the "DEADAPP"
      keyword to determine whether or not the deadtime correction has been
      applied. Previously, the "DEADAPP" keyword had not been set, which
      could result in livetime corrections being applied twice (once in
      the bin-by-bin by nulccorr and then the average livetime correction
      across the lightcurve by lcurve or other XRONOS FTOOLs).  DEADAPP is
      now correctly set if nulccorr has been called on a lightcurve and
      livetime corrections have been applied.
    * nuexpomap:
      The "PIXBIN and "PERCENT" option keywords have been added to the
      header of the exposure maps to improve self-documentation.
    Major Changes to tasks:
    * xrttam      - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrtfilter   - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrttdrss2   - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrtpccorr   - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrthkproc   - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrtlccorr   - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrtexpomap  - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrttimetag  - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
    * xrtpipeline - Added check of the 'ATTFLAG' keyword of the input attitude file.
                  - Use of the "pat" attitude file by default for data in SETTLING

    HEASoft / FTOOLS Help Desk

    If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the ASCL reference for HEASoft [ascl:1408.004] or the ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper [ascl:9912.002]:

    Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.

    Web page maintained by: Bryan K. Irby

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    Last modified: Tuesday, 01-Jul-2014 18:14:18 EDT