****************************************************************************** RELEASE NOTES FOR HEASOFT 6.1 July 24, 2006 ****************************************************************************** As for previous HEASOFT releases, configuration-related changes thoughout the package means that users who already have HEASoft v6.0.X installed will need to completely replace their software installation; there is no clean way to simply overlay this new release or to update an existing installation. For additional information about changes to the ATTITUDE and SWIFT packages since the release of HEASOFT 6.0, please see the release notes for HEASOFT v6.0.2 through 6.0.5. Unless otherwise noted, the updates described below include changes made since the HEASOFT 6.0 release. New in HEASOFT 6.1 is support for the Macintosh Intel and 64-bit Linux PC (x86_64) architectures. ****************************************************************************** ASCA ****************************************************************************** cleansis: - Fixed so that it looks for the EVENTS extension and doesn't just use the first extension. - Allow non-square chips by setting the internal image arrays to the maximum of the RAWXCOL and RAWYCOL sizes. This is not required for ASCA but allows this tool to be used for Swift XRT and Suzaku XIS. fmosaic: - Fixed a problem with the way the exposure maps were computed, which led to a spurious pixeled map of the mosaic-ed exposure map. - read_emap subroutine was rewritten: split the pixels and keep track of the number of times they're split. There is no randomization done for the exposure map, only for events files (data and background). ****************************************************************************** ATTITUDE ****************************************************************************** Attitude software changes since HEASoft v6.0.5: Revised tools ------------- prefilter * A minor change was made to SAA definition. tristarid * Save outcome and quality of correction as keywords in outfile. * Populate XXX_DELTA columns based on distance of detection (instead of catalog position) from XXX. ****************************************************************************** CFITSIO ****************************************************************************** CFITSIO Version 3.01 - Main changes since the HEASOFT 6.0 release - a major enhancement to the CFITSIO virtual file parser was provided by Robert Wiegand (GSFC). One can now specify filtering operations that will be applied on the fly to the pixel values in a FITS image. For example [pix sqrt(X)] will create a virtual FITS image where the pixel values are the square root of the input image pixels. - enhanced the 'col' extended filename syntax to support keyword name expressions like [col error=sqrt(rate); #TUNIT# = 'counts/s'], in which the trailing '#' will be replaced by the column number of the most recently referenced column. - added 2 new random number functions to the CFITSIO parser RANDOMN() - produces a normal deviate (mean=0, stddev=1) RANDOMP(X) - produces a Poisson deviate for an expected # of counts X - added fits_copy_cell2image and fits_copy_image2cell routines for copying an image extension (or primary array) to or from a cell in a binary table vector column. - added new fits_read_wcstab routine that serves as an interface to Mark Calabretta's wcslib library for reading WCS information when the -TAB table lookup convention is used in the FITS file. - changed the definition of fits_open_file into a macro that will test that the version of the fitsio.h include file that was used to build the CFITSIO library is the same version as included when compiling the application program. - cfortran.h has been enhanced to support 64-bit integer parameters when calling C routines from Fortran. This modification was kindly provided by Martin Reinecke (MPE, Garching). - modified region.c so that it interprets the position angles of regions in a SAO style region file in the same way as DS9. In particular, if the region parameters are given in WCS units, then the position angle should be relative to the WCS coordinates of the image (increasing CCW from West) instead of relative to the X/Y pixel coordinate system. This only affects rotated images (e.g. with non-zero CROTA2 keyword) with elliptical or rectangular regions. - fixed 2 bugs that could affect 'tile compressed' floating point images that contain NaN pixels (null pixels). First, the ZBLANK keyword was not being written, and second, an integer overflow could occur when computing the BZERO offset in the compressed array. ****************************************************************************** CCFITS ****************************************************************************** Changes for CCfits 1.5: - More thorough fix to PHDUT.h write function: Now genuinely handles the stride vector parameter. - In BinTable::addColumn function for case of strings, it was outputing the column format incorrectly as "A<nChar>". Should have been "<nChar>A". - In BinTable and Table constructor, now checks for columnUnits vector size rather than assume it's filled in. This is necessary if units are to be an optional parameter for the FITS::addTable function, as claimed in the docs. - Modifications needed to fix compile errors on certain platforms with g++ 4.0.x. These are functions that haven't been instantiated, which is why other compilers didn't complain about them. In ExtHDUT.h read function, needed explicit cast to size_t to make both variables in std::min call the same type. Same fix made in PHDUT.h read function. Also in PHDUT.h write function, several calls to PrimaryHDU::writeImage had the wrong number of arguments. Changes for CCfits 1.4: - Fixed reading in of BSCALE and BZERO. Previously these keyword values were not being saved in getScaling function. HDUCreator::getScaling - Now reads in all floating-point keyword values as doubles rather than floats. In conjunction, needed to allow Keyword casting from doubles to floats to keep things backward compatible - In ColumnT.h read function which takes row as a parameter, test and throw for case of row out-of-bounds of table. - Memory leak fix in HDU.cxx. Everywhere insertions into m_keyWord map were taking place, needed to check for previously existing entry with same key name and delete if it existed. FITS::read often does insertions twice with the same Keyword, which was causing a memory leak. Also fixed a couple minor leaks in HDU::writeDate. - Exception safety / mem leak fix in FITS.cxx and FITSBase.cxx. All FITS constructors (except copy c-tor) now use auto_ptr when creating FITSBase* m_FITSImpl. Also FITSBase destructor now checks if it needs to close file, indicated by non-zero m_fptr. To make this work, FITS::close now resets fptr to 0 after it closes file. - Add another case of allowed casting of keyword values, this time from strings to int/float/double if the string contains an integer value ****************************************************************************** CALTOOLS ****************************************************************************** cmppha: - Fixed a Darwin-specific bug which generated a fault in "expand" mode. genrsp: - genrsp has received a major overhaul to provide greater flexibility. 1. Response energies and channel definitions can now be read from input (ascii) files. This required adding new parameters resp_reln, resp_file, chan_reln, chan_file. 2. If the response energies and/or channel definitions are not read from the file then the parameters to define them have been altered to set the number of energies/channels rather than their size. This will allow an extension to logarithmic intervals at some time in the future. 3. The response energy parameter names now all start resp_. To avoid possible confusion the resolution parameters res_reln and res_file have been renamed to resol_reln and resol_file 4. The resol_file input file format has been altered to allow multiple response peaks. genrsp can now build a response with multiple gaussian peaks from a given input energy (eg photopeak and escapes). At present the input file is ascii but a FITS format will be supported when a standard has been defined. marfrmf: - Added arfcol parameter to allow a column other than SPECRESP to be used when reading the ARF file. udcif: - version 3: Substantially changed the logic by which calibration conflicts are determined. Now for "base conflicts" (where cnam, reftime,detnam, telescop, filter all match) it will check all the boundary keywords for overlaps. If a parameter name is missing it will alert the user. If a parameter name matches but the parameter has different UNITS, it will alert the user. For "base conflicts", if either boundary parameter array is completely filled with NONE, then there's a boundary overlap and the files conflict: CONFLICT.EQ.TRUE For "base conflicts" where both boundary arrays contain at least one non-NONE entry, the boundary parameter names are checked to see if any match. If all the parameter names match, and the parameters all have overlapping values then conflict.eq.true; otherwise there's at least one parameter who's values don't overlap, so conflict=.false. Now for "base conflicts" (where cnam, reftime, detnam, telescop, filter all match) it will check all the boundary keywords for overlaps (not just the first one). Also updates checksum and datasums in 1st extension of caldb.indx file. Also added check to make sure calibration files TELESCOP values in CALDB file match all those in the CIF, to avoid the "suzaku" vs. "sazuku" problem Removed option of including "duplicate" data files since the CBD block is now correctly checked. Added CHATTER parameter for more explicit feedback ****************************************************************************** FIMAGE ****************************************************************************** chimgtyp: - Fixed a bug that could cause chimgtyp to skip a couple of keywords near the beginning of the header when copying keywords from the input to the output file. It previously assumed that there were always 4 COMMENT keywords that should not be copied which gave the bibliographic references for the definition of FITS, which is not the case in general. farith: - Added test so as to not duplicate the FITS definition COMMENT keywords at the beginning of the header if they already exist in the input file. fcarith: - Fixed bug in the way null pixels in the input image are handled. Previously, if there were any null pixels in the input image, then a random pixel in the first few rows of the output image would be set to null instead of at the correct pixel location. fimgstat: - Increased the number of significant digits in output statistics. fmaskfilt: - Fixed improper handling of sky coordinate wrap-arounds which could result in removal of all events with DETX >= 182, not just those which were masked. fvec2img: - Fixed bug which reversed the WCS keywords for the X and Y axes of the output image. ****************************************************************************** FUTILS ****************************************************************************** fcreate: - Modified to ignore extra <CR> or <LF> characters at end of lines of text in the input ASCII files. ftabcopy: - Added copykeys parameter to control copying of header keywords. fverify: - Modified to print the number of errors and warnings separately instead of just the total, then only printing a 1-line pass/fail report for each FITS file. ****************************************************************************** FV ****************************************************************************** FV 4.4: * Added capability to view/modify subset of FITS columns. * Added capability to re-order the display of FITS columns. * Expanded capability to sorting/modification of FITS columns parameters. * Tracking parent window view via vector columns in "Expand"ed view . * Allowed user to specify path for DS9 and XPA in Windows. * Fixed problem with printing a contour map on an image in MS Windows POW: * Modified how the rotation angle in region files is interpreted to be consistent with DS9 (angle is w.r.t. the North direction in the image). FV 4.3 (April 2006): New features/Bug fixes since V4.2 (in HEASOFT 6.0) include: * Added capability to invoke future HERA modules. * Added capablity to calculate Flux on region. * Added capability to handle "Physical" attribute in region file. * Added capability to center (and resize) of ROI (region of interest) when the image is zoomed. * Added capability to allow parameters editor to stay until user decided to cancel. * Fixed running FTOOLS tools not copying physical par file problem. * Fixed sorting Fits table but displaying wrong slice image problem. * Fixed problem in rotation of coordinates resulting in wrong region specification. * Fixed plotting of selected rows from FITS table problem. * Fixed ploygon region handle placement and dragging mechanisms problem. ****************************************************************************** GRO ****************************************************************************** bod2rmf: - Fixed bug in the CGRO tool bod2rmf. For at least every tjd between 10179 and 10464, the energy edges for channel 15 were wrong. ****************************************************************************** HEAGEN ****************************************************************************** barycorr: - Now uses 'CALDB' as the default parameter for the Swift clock correction file. The legacy ascii file ("swco.dat") is also still supported, however. - v1.6 handles Swift orbit file gaps - v1.4 handles leap seconds properly ****************************************************************************** HEASARC ****************************************************************************** addspec: - Allow for a larger number of input files (100 instead of 10) since mathpha is no longer limited to 10 input files. chkrmf: - Modified so an EXTNAME of SPECRESP MATRIX is searched for as well as just MATRIX. - Fixed infinite loop which arises if one of the extensions doesn't have its EXTNAME set. fovdsp v2.5: - Suzaku HXD nominal position (DETX,DETY)=(-3.5arcmin,0.0) is marked for the Suzaku FOV. - TGT_RA, TGT_DEC and TGT_NAM parameters are added for target RA, DEC and target name. - "Segmentation error" was fixed when input catalog is not found. - Suzaku FOV (HXD-GSO, HXD-PIN and XIS) may be drawn. - "ipixeldist" is no longer used. - Fixed failure of 't' to work when sources are not plotted. grppha2: - Fixed so bad channels that were written with grouping of 0 now have grouping of 1. This for conformity with standard and prevents xspec v12 producing a warning message. - Changed error to warning if ROWID column is not found. extractor (updates since HEASOFT 6.0 release): extractor 4.66 - - Added support for PANDA regions but only for the case of one sector and one annulus. For PIE regions fixed an incorrect definition of the angle and a bug that excluded all events with angle > 180 degrees. In all regions angles now take into account any CROTA set in the input event file. - Fixed a bug which caused incorrect time ranges to be written to the output xronos window file if the input event file had different GTI for each chip. - Added a keyword to lightcurve output to record the minimum value of FRACEXP accepted for bins written to the output. - Increased the limit on the number of GTIs allowed. extractor v4.62 - - Fixed bug that causes light curves from Swift UVOT data to have a TSTART keyword of zero and hence incorrect TELAPSE keyword. extractor v4.61 - - Fixed bug that produced an incorrect error message about inconsistent XCOLH and YCOLH when reading multiple event files. - Fixed bug in extract events when reading from multiple event files with different numbers of columns. If later files had more columns than the first one then the events from those files could have zero values for some columns even for columns that were in common between the files but in different positions. - Fixed seg fault that arises if a line in a region file which includes a region specification also contains a comment marker (#). - Trapped the case of the grade column having no TLMIN/MAX. Somewhat arbitrarily assume them as 0 and 25 but this shouldn't matter as long as the real limits are within this range. - Fixed error introduced in v4.55. When ellipse region was corrected to define the rotation angle in the correct sense, the corresponding code for box regions was broken. The set_region and select_ellipse routines define the rotation angle in opposite senses. extractor - v4.56 - - Fixed problem that arises if the input event file has no GTIs and there are selection GTIs in use. The resulting event file was given the selection GTIs instead of the correct result of no GTIs. - Modified the region file reading routine to ignore the 'CR' character if it is the last character on the line. If the region file was created on a PC, which uses CR LF as the 2 End-of-Line characters, then the CR is left over when read on a Unix machine, which uses only a single LF character to mark the end of line. - Fixed inconsistency between rotation angle defined in ds9 ELLIPSE and BOX regions and their use in extractor. It appears that extractor was treating these angles as clockwise from the x-axis while ds9 defines the angles as counter-clockwise from the same axis. extractor - v4.54 - - Fixed so that wtmapfix=yes writes -1 to pixels outside the region even when the image and wmap coordinates are the same. ****************************************************************************** HEATOOLS ****************************************************************************** New tasks: ========== ftcoco: - New task for performing coordinate system conversions between galactic, equatorial and ecliptic, either on a table or at the command line. ftimgcalc: - New task for performing arbitrary image calculations, including world coordinates and multiple image extensions ftjoin: - New task for joining two tables together using arbitrary matching criteria (similar to a database "join") ftpixcalc: - Create a new FITS image from a combination of 1 or more input images Updates to existing tasks: ========================== ftcreate: - Changed the support for X bit columns so that users always need to input the value of the unsigned decimal or hex integer that has the equivalent bit pattern. ftdiff: - Modified to show more significant digits when displaying differences between floating point values. ftimgcreate: - Modified so that it does not interprete any blank characters at the end of a line in the input data file as a zero value. ftmerge: - Added 'copyall' parameter to control copying of other HDUs. - Added 'lastkey' parameter for list of keywords to be updated or added to the output file. - Added 'skipbadfiles' parameter to allow files that cannot be opened for any reason to be ignored. ftsort: - Fixed to handle NULL values properly. - Fixed a problem that caused type conversion overflow. ftstat: - Added test to ignore logical (L) columns in binary tables when computing the statistics. - Modified so that it doesn't exit with error if the table contains a string (non-numeric) column. - Fixed to prevent y axis centroid world coordinates being printed out for x axis also. - Added a few more digits of precision to the image mean and stdev values. - Fixed memory deallocation problem when input file is invalid. ftverify: - Updated to warn about null-valued keywords. - Modified to print the number of errors and warnings separately instead of just the total, then only printing a 1-line pass/fail report for each FITS file. ****************************************************************************** QDP/PLT ****************************************************************************** Latest QDP/PLT from Allyn Tennant, http://wwwastro.msfc.nasa.gov/qdp/ Changes to QDP/PLT since our last update (2003-07-24): 2006-04-10 - Fit Plot -100 (negative number) should now work (again). 2005-09-22 - CURFIT now always writes out the "model insensitive to" error. 2005-08-24 - YAX LIN now affects groups not windows (like XAX LIN). 2005-08-15 - WM adds parameter numbers as comment, mo @ ignores comments. 2005-06-29 - Fix use of GETLUN/FRELUN when using WEnvir. 2004-07-22 - Add LAb # Pos x1 y1 To x2 y2 option. 2004-02-27 - Fix bug that caused "LAb 1 VPort Curs" to fail. 2004-02-24 - Fix bug that prevented same COD file from being used twice. 2004-02-04 - In cod functions, "ASLO" no longer matches "ASin". 2004-01-22 - Fix case where MA ? would be displayed in background color. ****************************************************************************** ROSAT ****************************************************************************** - hrirpsf: version 2.1.2 fixed uninitialized ierr error when getting INFILE parameter write PIXSIZE, BACKGRND & SUMTCOUNTS keywords in theoretical profile - pcrpsf: version 3.5.4 fixed uninitialized ierr value corrected writing of PIXSIZE keyword in output file for theoretical profile ****************************************************************************** SWIFT ****************************************************************************** Swift-specific software changes since HEASoft v6.0.5 New tools --------- batwarpimg * New task which adjusts a BAT image for known non-linear image distortion * For source detection, batcelldetect should be used instead of this task Revised tools ------------- attjumpcorr * This task finds and corrects anomalous Swift attitude "jumps" during the settling phase. * Bug fix for the case when the spacecraft does a "slew-in-place". batbinevt * Bug fix to the way the final time bin was written, in some rare cases. * Bug fix to transfer the MJDREF* keywords properly, when combining GTIs. * Bug fix to remove buffer overflow error tickled by the new parameter library. * Primary HDU images are now labeled with HDUNAME instead of EXTNAME. This is still compatible with standard CFITSIO and DS9. * New time binning algorithm, MATCHLC, which allows the time binning of an existing light curve to be cloned. * Write NULL values in bins that have zero exposure (when minfracexp is 0) * Slight changes to error messages. batcelldetect * Bug fix: clustering of >2 sources during the PSF fit stage was done improperly, and is now fixed. * Bug fix: known bright sources which touch the border of the image were being improperly detected as new sources. * New feature: adds distortion correction to position reporting (the distortion map is pointed to by the 'distfile' which defaults to CALDB). * Internal changes of the use of the WCS library. * Primary HDU images are now labeled with HDUNAME instead of EXTNAME. This is still compatible with standard CFITSIO and DS9. * Catalog I/O is more forgiving if TUNIT/TNULL values are not present. batfftimage * Primary HDU images are now labeled with HDUNAME instead of EXTNAME. This is still compatible with standard CFITSIO and DS9. batmaskwtevt * New feature: adds distortion correction to position calculation (the distortion map is pointed to by the 'distfile' which defaults to CALDB). batmaskwtimg * New feature: adds distortion correction to position calculation (the distortion map is pointed to by the 'distfile' which defaults to CALDB). * Primary HDU images are now labeled with HDUNAME instead of EXTNAME. This is still compatible with standard CFITSIO and DS9. batoccultgti * Additional error handling code. batoccultmap * Bug fix: when the earth is at the very edge of the FOV and exclusively in the southern hemisphere, the whole FOV was accidentally blanked. Now fixed. * Primary HDU images are now labeled with HDUNAME instead of EXTNAME. This is still compatible with standard CFITSIO and DS9. * Additional error checking for bogus inputs. batphasyserr * Additional error handling code. batupdatephakw * Additional error handling code. uvotdetect * Exclude nulls when estimating background (significant for genie images with missing packets). * Use pixel filtering instead of f*arith for image calculations. uvotimage * When creating images from EVENT data, use the new columns in the WINDOW extension for TSTART,TSTOP,TELAPSE,ONTIME,LIVETIME,EXPOSURE,DEADC. uvotimsum * Exclude parameter has new default value DEFAULT which is equivalent to exclude=ASPCORR:NONE,DUPEXPID. The new special value DUPEXPID checks for duplicate EXPIDs and includes only the exposure with the largest window if there are two HDUs for the same exposure. This simplifies avoiding including exposures taken in IMAGE&EVENT mode twice in the sum. uvotmag * "coinfile" parameter has new special value NONE which indicates to skip the coincidence loss polynomial correction (coincidence loss correction is still performed, but as if the polynomial evaluated to 1). * Frametime parameter has new default value DEFAULT which indicates to use the value of the FRAMTIME keyword if it is available or fall back on 0.0110322 [s] if it is not. The user can still provide an exact frametime with frametime=0.0123 for example. uvotskycorr * The aspect corrections file is now FITS and includes a number of details related to the exposure and correction for the benefit of analysis. uvot2pha * New required parameter "respfile" (filename or "CALDB") sets the value of the RESPFILE keyword in the output pha file. * DATE/TIME keyword handling was improved (eg, flexible about DATE_OBS vs. DATE-OBS). xrtflagpix * Handling of the TIME column from the Bad Pixel Calibration Files. xrtimage * Handling of the TIME column from the Bad Pixel Calibration Files. xrtinstrmap * Pixels falling outside the Data Mode Window are set as not exposed. xrtpipeline * Unfiltered event files processed by a previous run are cleaned up before running stage 1. (STATUS column set to 0 and BADPIX extension erased). xrttimetag * The KWM1STCOLNUM keyword in the Windowed Timing EVENTS extension header get updated when the column shift is applied. ****************************************************************************** TIME ****************************************************************************** - sec2time: Fixed bug which produced incorrect results when the computed (output) date is near the end of a leap year (e.g. 12/29/04). - sec2time / time2sec: Fixed bug which caused a segmentation fault when CALDB was input for the leapfile parameter. ****************************************************************************** XIMAGE ****************************************************************************** XIMAGE VERSION 4.4 For full documentation on XIMAGE, refer to: http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xanadu/ximage/ * Added Intel Mac and 64-bit Linux support * Improved text rendering in PostScript output * Grid command output more closely matches pre-4.2 appearance (e.g. no abbrevation of grid line labels) * Parameter file (ximage.par) replaces functionality of ~/defaults.def file * Changed rotated region convention to match that of ds9 * Improved ra_dec_to_pixel command to accept all common RA/Dec formats * Suzaku PSF approximation added For complete change history of XIMAGE see: http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xanadu/ximage/ximrelease.html Changes since the Ximage 4.3 release in HEASOFT 6.0 also include: - Changed default equinox to 2000 - Improved handling of exposure maps by utilizing the VIGNAPP keyword. - Improved handling of missions with unknown psf. - Added psf/pileup option to analyze piled-up sources. - Corrected Swift XRT psf and vignetting functions. ****************************************************************************** XSELECT ****************************************************************************** Updates since HEASOFT 6.0 release: xselect 2.4: - Fixed a bug when using filter column on the spectrum column (eg PHA or PI). Note that there is a conflict if such a filter column command is used in combination with filter pha. In this case the filter pha is ignored - Fixed filter time UT which was not working at all. - The automatic response generation option for save spectrum now uses the badpixel data for the XMM EPIC. At present this requires that there only be one event file from which the spectrum was extracted. If there are multiple event files then the user is advised to do an "extract event" then save the spectrum. If the SAS is not set-up locally then xselect will automatically call Hera to do the response and arf generation. - For Suzaku XIS set the the quality of channels 1-81 3290-4095 to bad. This means these channels will be ignored in xspec when the "ignore bad" command is used. - Modified mkfbin and hkbin so that if an event lightcurve has been extracted then the mkf or hk parameters will be binned to match the event lightcurve and the RATE will be added to the mkfbin/hkbin output file. plot mkf and hk then enables the user to plot correlations between housekeeping parameters and the event rate. - Added filter mkf and filter hk options as aliases for select mkf and select hk. Added save mkfbin and save hkbin options. xselect v2.3: - Sensitivity to case of mission, instrument, etc. removed. - Fixed error that datamode keyword was not allowed to be different for different instruments. Trapped case of a blank string being entered for a filename. - xsl_chandra_acis_makeresp: mkacisrmf wants the spectrum file as the input of the wmap parameter, not the weighting file produced by mkwarf (as mkrmf did). Modified call to mkacisrmf to include all required parameters. - Trapped out the case of returning an obsno greater than the available size of the obscat array. This prevents a possible bug that can lead to input data files being deleted. - Fixed bug that can cause make obscat to delete input data files if there are more than 8 types of instrument available and the one chosen is > 8. Reset the size of the array to 20. - Suzaku-related changes: Default mission is now Suzaku. Automatically group XIS spectra by a factor of 4 and add the DETNAM to the displayed info for the HXD so we can see whether an event file is PIN or GSO. - Corrected failure to propagate MJDREFI/F everywhere it was required which led to incorrect label at the top of lightcurve plots. - Fix so that FILTER TIME FILE works for files whose EXTNAME is either GTI or STDGTI. Previous version worked for GTI only, which gave an error when using output from maketime. - Fixed so looks for the first GTI extension instead of just assuming it is the first extension when doing a filter time file. - Fix for bug under Linux in the plot mkf command. The xparm string was being overwritten leading to junk being passed to plt as the label for the X axis. ****************************************************************************** XSPEC 11 ****************************************************************************** xspec v11.3.2t: Please see http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xanadu/xspec/xspec11/bugs.html for details on the xspec 11.3.2t patch. ****************************************************************************** XSPEC 12 ****************************************************************************** Xspec version 12.3.0: ===================== Xspec version 12.3.0 incorporates the fixes and enhancements from all of the patch files (a-ap) for v12.2.1, in addition to the following key changes: Enhancements and Modifications: - Full support for models with multiple responses (previously only available for Integral/SPI data formats). This replaces and enhances the v11 technique of specifying '/b' for background models. - New command "energies." This is a more general and flexible replacement to the "extend" command of v11. - 6 new models added to the standard XSPEC models library. Additive: diskpbb, laor2, nsatmos Convolution: kdblur, kdblur2, rdblur - First-time support of XSPEC12 on Windows platform via Cygwin (except for initpackage and lmod commands for loading model libraries, see manual). - First-time support on Intel Mac platform. - New "show" command option, "show plot", displays all current "setplot" settings. - New handling of zero variance during chi-square fits. Previously a minimum variance was ALWAYS applied to zero-variance channels for any type of fitting. Now it is only applied for chi-square fitting. - Gaussian randomization is now applied in "fakeit" for non-Poisson type spectra. Previously Poisson randomization was applied in all cases. - Enhancements to output of "tclout" flux and lumin options. Fixes: - The "weight" command's model weighting option is now working. - The STAMP option for the "log" command is now implemented for the first time in v12. - During C-statistic fitting, the Poisson data warning is now issued only when the data are not Poisson. - Fix to "undo" command for partial data removals. - Fix to variance calculation for case where Poisson errors are selected and data (source and/or background) is given in RATES. - For (e)emodel and (e)eufspec in setplot wave mode, the "e" multiplier is now in energy units, not wavelengths. - A new implementation of model command parser should fix various parsing problems that arose with certain complicated model expressions. - No longer using a start-up xspec script file to launch executable. This had been causing problems on Linux with the ctrl-z suspend mechanism. Changes since the Xspec 12.2.0 release in HEASOFT 6.0 also include: Xspec version 12.2.1: ===================== Version 12.2.1 incorporates the fixes and enhancements from all of the patch files (a-ck) for v12.2.0, in addition to the following key changes: Fixes: - The Mac OS X Tiger build difficulties that had been causing runtime crashes have now been solved. XSPEC libraries that were built as shared on other platforms are now also shared on OS X Tiger. - OS X Tiger users should now also be able to dynamically load their Fortran local model libraries, even if they share the XSFunctions COMMON block. Enhancements and Modifications: - Runtime HELP can now be accessed ONLINE in html format, rather than just with the distributed PDF documents. The selection for this is made in the new Xspec.init file. - Users can manually re-seed XSPEC's pseudo random number generator at any point in the program using the new "xset seed" command option. The default initial seed is taken from the time at program start-up. - Uses new global_customize.tcl file (in Xspec/src/scripts) for storing customized start-up commands that are to be run for all system-wide users. Previously these commands had to be appended to the bottom of the xspec.tcl file, and hence had to be re-applied if xspec.tcl was ever patched. - Model and model-related plots (ufspec and its variants) now always default to logarithmic scaling for both axes. - New model components added, additive: nsagrav, multiplicative: zdust and zsmdust. - Please see http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xanadu/xspec/issues/issues.html for details on the patch files a-ck. ****************************************************************************** XSTAR ****************************************************************************** xstar v2.1kn6 Fixed an error which causes the wrong inital radius to be calculated when the constant pressure option is chosen. Also changed the units label on the ionization parameter to remove inconsistency with constant pressure case. Minor changes in the radiation transfer algorithm. Fixed bug which affected high ionization models which included nickel. This caused segmentation faults, and was caused by an incorrect data type flag in the atomic data for He-like Ni. Changed step size algorithm to prevent stepping beyond the column density specified in the input. This will not be accurate for constant pressure clouds in which the temperature is changing rapidly. Added the effect of photoionization and heating by line photons generated elsewhere in the cloud. These are photons which have already escaped the local region close to the point of emission. Changed the step size computation algorithm in order to account for the process of emission. That is, the step size is now is based on the length scale for significant change of both absorption and emission. Fixed several errors in the atomic database, notably affecting N-like ions. These affect some of the density sensitive lines in low ionization models. Updated the manual, in the chapter in the Physics of xstar, describing in more detail the radiation transfer algorithm. ****************************************************************************** XTE ****************************************************************************** faxbary: - Efficiency changes (to eliminate repeated reading of leapsecs file) fcollect (xtefilt): - Fixed problem that caused xtefilt/fcollect to fail for data taken on 29 February 2000. saextrct: - Portability-related changes for 64-bit Linux and Intel/Mac seextrct: - Portability-related changes for 64-bit Linux and Intel/Mac HEASoft / FTOOLS Help Desk If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the ASCL reference for HEASoft [ascl:1408.004] or the ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper [ascl:9912.002]: Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367. Web page maintained by: Bryan K. Irby HEASARC Home | Observatories | Archive | Calibration | Software | Tools | Students/Teachers/Public Last modified: Tuesday, 12-Oct-2021 12:48:48 EDT HEASARC Staff Scientist Position - Applications are now being accepted for a Staff Scientist with significant experience and interest in the technical aspects of astrophysics research, to work in the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, MD. Refer to the AAS Job register for full details. |