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                          RELEASE NOTES FOR HEASOFT 6.33.2
                                  April 22, 2024
    The HEASoft 6.33.2 patch release contains updates required for
    building the source code with GCC 14.x as distributed with for
    example, the Fedora 40 operating system.  Additionally, it
    includes fixes for a couple of NICER mission tasks and updates
    Xspec to patch level 12.14.00h.
    A patch installer is available for users who only want the NICER
    To apply the latest Xspec patches please visit the Xspec issues page.
    NICERDAS v12a:
    - nicerl2: Fixed ignored 'gtifiles' parameter: nicerl2 was
      silently ignoring the 'gtifiles' parameter, which is used to
      merge user-defined GTI files with those done by nimaketime.
    - niscorpspect: Removed SYS_ERR column if added by newer versions
      of Xspec (v12.14.0d and newer)

    HEASoft / FTOOLS Help Desk

    If FTOOLS has been useful in your research, please reference this site (https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftools) and use the ASCL reference for HEASoft [ascl:1408.004] or the ASCL reference for the original FTOOLs paper [ascl:9912.002]:

    Blackburn, J. K. 1995, in ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 77, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV, ed. R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes (San Francisco: ASP), 367.

    Web page maintained by: Bryan K. Irby

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    Last modified: Monday, 22-Apr-2024 14:09:36 EDT